October 02, 2007

No. I won't.

Warning......rant in extended entry........

No, it will not behoove you to pat me on the head and tell me not to worry. No, I will not shut up and go away. I'm here. And I'm here for a reason.

I haven't gotten to be where I am today by being stupid. I may be ditzy at times, but I've done a lot of things. And one gift I *DO* have is finding ways to use what I've learned over the years in ways to benefit what I'm doing now.

For instance, way back in another life, I was the lead internal quality auditor for a steel coating facility. I coordinated all of the writing of procedures and policies. I assigned the responsibilities of who wrote what, and compiled all the documents. Then, it was part of my job to make sure we were following those procedures regularly. That has followed me everywhere. I'm a stickler on saying what we'll do and doin' what we say.

If something is wrong, fix it. Don't excuse it, ignore it or lash out at those who point it out. That is just counter productive and will eventually come back and bite you in the ass.....

I've been a secretary, analyst, manager, rep, clerk. I've loaded trucks, unloaded trucks, taken inventory and designed sets. In several different industries.

So DON'T, if you value you hide, condescend to me on any level. I will NOT SHUT UP. I will NOT turn my head in denial.

And the more you do that, the more you treat ANYONE in that manner the more my gander gets raised.

I'm not going anywhere. You might as well face that fact here and now. It's MY ass on the line every day. It's MY paycheck that takes a hit when you screw up. It's MY reputation that takes a beating every time you fall down on the job.

So yeah......get used to it. I'm here. I'm a force to be reckoned with. And I'm not by any means a shrinking violet.

And just so you know.....I WILL worry my "pretty little head" over what ever the hell I want too.

Posted by Tammi at October 2, 2007 07:59 AM | TrackBack

I hate that kind of condescension. Arrgghhhh... Go get 'em, Tammi!!!!

Posted by: pam at October 2, 2007 08:45 AM

Yeepers - I sense *dumb* people. Next time you see them I predict you will be wearing your boots and an attitude...

Posted by: Richmond at October 2, 2007 05:57 PM

hehehe yeah Rich, you know me pretty well. And my chance is comin' next week! It's like Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one....

Soon enough that I'll still "remember" but enough time that I'll have cooled off a bit..

But I already got the boots packed.....

Posted by: Tammi at October 2, 2007 06:49 PM
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