April 18, 2007

I'm Very Excited

I've got a pretty big deal comin' up.

Next week I get to go to the Pentagon and help in the DC celebration for Month of the Military Child.

There have been a few posts up over at SpouseBuzz I think you should read but, I have to admit, I'm rather disappointed that there hasn't been more hoopla over this. I mean, seriously. Think about that for a minute. The children of our Military deal with deployments, missed birthdays, interrupted weekends, constant moves, death - all without a say. They have no choice. None. All they can do is cope.

They deserve to be celebrated. And the parents deserve a day of seeing their children being honored, having fun, creating something.

Hopefully next year will be bigger and better. More locations across this country need to participate, and I'm already thinking of ways to help encourage that.

But, I got sidetracked. I'm going to the Pentagon. Next week. They are expecting between 3,000 and 6,000 children. At the Pentagon. Next week. I'm going to be there.

This is going to sound just weird, but I'm soooo excited. I'm going to the Pentagon. This is bigger than anything I've done. I don't remember the last time I was this excited to go somePLACE.

But I just hope I don't embarrass myself. My first time at McDill I just walked around with this goofy smile on my face thanking every single person that would make eye contact. I couldn't seem to help myself.

Wait. That didn't embarrass me at all. It bugged the hell out of the guy who took me, but I was fine with that.

Guess I need to rephrase my worry. I hope I don't embarrass the folks I'm travelin' with.

But then again.......I don't really care. I'm goin' to the Pentagon.

Posted by Tammi at April 18, 2007 05:32 AM | TrackBack

That is SO cool! :)

Posted by: pam at April 18, 2007 07:09 AM
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