A while back I wrote about my first spammer. I wasn't really happy about it, I was being sarcastic. Yeah, sometimes I do that.
So - I guess the time has finally come for me to actually write this out. (sorry for those adults out there that have the common sense to already know this.)
While I have a some what twisted and racy sense of humor, and I may be a bit "rough around the edges" sometimes, I do try and keep this a fairly clean site. If I have debauchery to get out of my system I go to Madfish Willies' place.
You see, my family does read this blog. That includes my niece. And I write just like I talk. Unfortunately, she's been privy to some of my rants - so she is aware that Aunt Tammi can make a sailor blush at times. Not something I'm proud of, just a fact of life.
So - here are the rules - Mr. Penis Enlargement, (and you others that shall remain nameless). You're banned. And I will continue to ban you everytime you sneak your crap on to my site. I am not amused and I don't appreciate you - not one little bit.
Afterall, this is MY site. My "internet home" as it were. Oh, I love to have guests, I love to entertain. But, you get out of line at my house - disrespect someone, start throwing crap - I'm gonna throw you out. I'll do that here without blinking an eye.
I'm pretty easy to get along with - just don't push my buttons. 'Nuff said.
Posted by Tammi at July 21, 2004 07:50 AM[prepares to push Tammi's buttons]
Oh... those aren't buttons... it's just cold in here ;-)
[crosses fingers hoping not to get banned]
Posted by: Harvey at July 21, 2004 09:03 AMAh Darlin' you're family - I can't ban you! ;-)
Plus you amuse the hell outta me!
Posted by: Tammi at July 21, 2004 10:17 AMYour home, your rules. You go girl!
(Don't let them force you to use your OnStar powers for evil!) ;D
Posted by: Lee Ann at July 21, 2004 10:51 AMHmmm - with spammers, I just delete. No muss no fuss no arguments. Don't really care what they think. So far no one has emailed me to complain about being dumped or anything like that. Unless I just scare the heck out of them and they're afraid to tell me...
I've also dumped a couple of comments that offended me. Don't care about those posters either... LOL.
Posted by: Teresa at July 21, 2004 02:49 PM