July 21, 2004


Oops, this guy must have wandered out from the little shindig we're havin' at Madfish Willies. LeeAnn?? Oh, LeeeeeAAAAAnnnnn? Oh no - she's headed off to Tennessee!!

hat tip Randy - Dude that was too funny!

**Oops - I forgot the LeeAnn Link. See, I really am sick (on several levels)

Posted by Tammi at July 21, 2004 10:44 AM

...I hope LeeAnn tracks down the Nacho guy... heh, I'm only 30 minutes from Maryville... tell her I'll grill her a steak, and we'll make fondue...

Posted by: Eric at July 22, 2004 04:26 PM

I wanna be there too - we can make those Peachy drinks you were tellin' us about!

Posted by: Tammi at July 22, 2004 08:07 PM