February 17, 2008

Ladies Night Out

Last night I had such a nice evening....you see, it was my friend's "Golden Birthday". She turned 14 on the 14th and that just needed celebrating.

So I made an invitation up and, after clearing it with her folks, made arrangements for a "Ladies Night Out" for her and I.

The catch was, we had to "dress to the 9's." I thought I'd get some pushback on that but she was all for it.

So.....after the chocolate massage I headed to Richmond's for lunch and chit chat and had a wonderful surprise when Roses showed up. WooHoo!! It was quite the treat.

I got ready for the big evening there, to make sure I wasn't late, and headed back to THE Valley.

I picked up K and she looked wonderful. The biggest smile on her face and she, well, she just looked so pretty. And boy was she excited.

We headed out to one of the Japanese Steak Houses, she had never been there and we lucked out with a great couple sitting at the table next to us. They were fun and full of humor and were absolutely enchanted with her. GREAT dinner.

And, can I tell you, it was amazing to see her pick up chopsticks for the FIRST time and end up being so good with them that she was teachin' all the other folks at the table how to use them.

She tired to help me.......yeah, lets just say, I'll be stickin' with the fork for a while yet.....

Then she wanted to go to a movie. But the movie she wanted wasn't playing as of yesterday. So....next choice - bowling. Folks. I was wearing a dress and heels, but I would have happily donned the ugly bowling shoes if that's what she wanted.

We ended up, for any number of reasons, just going to the mall. We picked up a few things for her and I took her home.

She could hardly wait to tell her family about the evening. I'm just so glad she enjoyed it that much. I know I did. And we've already decided that we'll just have to find another "excuse" for a Ladies Night Out every once in a while.

I figure we're worth it!

Posted by Tammi at February 17, 2008 09:15 AM | TrackBack

Sounds Fabulous!! : )

Posted by: Richmond at February 17, 2008 10:27 AM

Glad you two had a good time.

Not that I figured you wouldn't...

Posted by: That 1 Guy at February 17, 2008 11:42 AM
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