February 15, 2008

Hurry Up and Wait

Well, Brandon didn't get to see the doctor yesterday. The paperwork and red tape is becoming unbelievable. I knew it would get messy....but for cryin' out loud, I figured they'd take into account the poor boy has a MASS in his BRAIN and maybe have some sense of urgency.

Seems I was wrong.

So....we're still waiting to see the doctor. Trust me when I tell you Dee is ALL OVER THIS. But it's all so very frustrating.

Posted by Tammi at February 15, 2008 06:54 AM | TrackBack

Oh good grief!!

Posted by: Richmond at February 15, 2008 08:57 AM

I have to say that if the doctors thought that his was a life or death situation things would have already been done.

I would take comfort that the doctors think it's ok for him to wait. (ok, I am grabbing at straws here, but it makes sense).

Posted by: Quality Weenie at February 15, 2008 09:01 AM

His life is not in immediate jeopardy - but I know he's in pain and that's got to be driving everyone a little nuts while waiting. :(

Posted by: pam at February 15, 2008 09:10 AM

For those of us on the outside looking in and hoping for the best possible outcome for Brandon, I think I could safely say that as frustrating as it is for all of you closest to him, it is just that frustrating to watch stupid bureaucratic shit needlessly unfold when a sweet-faced boy is in a lot of pain and needs immediate attention.

Posted by: Erica at February 15, 2008 09:22 AM

I found your site from Sleeping Mommys site. I'll definitely say a prayer. I still remeber the day I was told my daughter had a mass in her brain. It was nearly a year ago but it feels like it was just yesterday. If you don't mind I'd like to post the link to your site on my daughter's caring bridge site.

Posted by: Brandi at February 15, 2008 10:46 PM
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