February 15, 2008

Something New

I have recently found a new blog. Sleeping Mommy.

It's a wonderful place. With sweet and funny stories of motherhood.

This particular post NEEDS to be shared. From what I can tell, it's a weekly post she does entitled Why I Love My Husband Wednesdays. This week's tale is about a Daddy Daughter dance complete with pictures of about the sweetest looking 4 year old girl getting ready for a date with her daddy.

I'm still smiling over it and I read it yesterday.

Take a minute, treat yourself, go and read. I really am a sucker for those Daddy Daughter posts....and this is about the best one I've ever read.

And this will be a site I start hitting regularly.

Posted by Tammi at February 15, 2008 07:33 AM | TrackBack
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