January 04, 2008

Games People Play

I like games. Really. I'm not ANTI games. I play cards, board games, football.....yeah. Games are good.

But NOT in life. No. Personal head games and the business games? Flippin' piss me off.

Which is the down side of my new "job". My main focus is opening new accounts.

Wanna know a secret? I hate prospecting. Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate.

Take Wednesday for instance. I made some phone calls. Talked to a couple of prospects. Good conversations. Nice. Polite. So I tell them I'll be dropping in that afternoon. They won't let me "schedule" anything but "popping in" is fine.

So I drive to Janesville. About an hour.

They left. Gone. Won't be returning.

He couldn't tell me that when I said I'd be stopping by?

Noooo....what we have here is a good douse of "how bad does Tammi want it?". And honestly? I HATE jumping to someone else's tune.

I got a product. You need a product. Let's talk.

You want it? Fine. No? OK too.

But don't have me jumping through hoops, kissin' your ass just because it gives you a head rush.

DAMN I hate that.........

And no one, NO ONE, is letting me schedule. They all want me to drive however far, just to show them how much I care.

THAT smacks of some of the games I've seen women play. Well....if he REALLY likes me he'll (insert task here) without me even saying.

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

I just hate that. WHERE EVER it's played.

So yeah...fun times. Man I hope they find a different position for me soon. I'm likely to kill someone if I have to do this for very long......

Posted by Tammi at January 4, 2008 11:15 AM | TrackBack

Don't tell them when you will be stopping by, otherwise they will pull it again.

And make sure they are not busy so they can't use the excuse they have no time for you.

Posted by: Quality Weenie at January 4, 2008 01:41 PM

Don't tell them when you will be stopping by and make sure they are not busy so they can't use that excuse either.

Posted by: Quality Weenie at January 4, 2008 01:42 PM

That would drive me absolutely insane! Actually, I've been there and it did!
Hang in there; I know you're still sick and that doesn't make it any easier...!

Posted by: pam at January 4, 2008 01:49 PM

You need me to knee-cap someone?

Posted by: Roses at January 4, 2008 06:48 PM

Don't tell them when you'll be stoppin'...

Danged Michiganders... get new coach, beat Florida, and all of a sudden they like to see themselves comment... ;) Easy Q-dub, just kiddin'now.

Something did catch my eye though, a T-shirt idea, "Well....if he REALLY likes me he'll (insert task here)" I ain't never heard of it called a "task", but if you got one of them shirts, and that sayin' is on the front of the shirt with an arrow underneath pointin' down... be alright with it, and be careful hopin' for another position. Trust me.

I got a shirt like that one, they make me wear at work, but the words and the arrow is on the back of the shirt... 'nless my peep's are dressin' me wrong. They really like me at work.


Posted by: RedNeck at January 4, 2008 08:28 PM
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