December 31, 2007

I've Created a Monster

Yesterday I had a visitor. KTreva stopped by for some R&R. I made that pot of beef stew and we watched a bit of football. happened.

I asked if she'd like to learn how to play my favorite game. Dutch Blitz.

My sister bought it for me to replace the one I lost. Now.....I *LOVE* to play Blitz. It's very easy just incredibly fast paced. And you have got to be able to focus on about 4 things at one time. AND keep everything moving.

I've played this since I could barely sit at a table. I'm good. Really. I rarely lose.

Folks......she almost beat me. I had to work to stay ahead.

It was a blast. We started out playin' nice and kind. Then......I saw the light come on. She *GOT* it. That's when things got quiet. All you heard was the slapping of cards. And the occasional grunt or curse when we missed something. Oh, and the trash talk. Can't forget the trash talk. We're both pretty damned competitive. Yeah.....lots and LOTS of trash talk goin' on.

We played for hours.

I'm just so happy that I finally have someone around here to play Blitz with. But I'm gonna really need to focus. She may well be the first to dethrone me.........

Posted by Tammi at December 31, 2007 08:33 AM | TrackBack

Better put that one in your suitcase to bring down with you! We LOVE to learn new card games...and we can round up a crew that is GREAT at trashtalking! That's half the fun!

Posted by: Lee Ann at December 31, 2007 09:45 AM

Sounds like a GREAT time! : )

Posted by: Richmond at December 31, 2007 10:25 AM

Next we play "Life Size Blitz!"

Now if I could just remember to yell "Blitz" not "Uno" or "Yahtzee"

Posted by: ktreva at December 31, 2007 11:11 AM

I love pictionary! HAHA! Happy New Year! *grin*

Posted by: Terea at December 31, 2007 04:45 PM

"Yesterday I had a visitor. KTreva stopped by for some R&R. I made that pot of beef stew and we watched a bit of football. happened."

Sorry. I just have to spend a couple hours basking in the places THAT took my imagination.

Posted by: og at January 1, 2008 08:34 AM
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