December 11, 2007

Good Medicine

I had a showing yesterday at the Corporate office. A designer that, while has done as well as expected, still isn't a big "dealer" for me.

So I rushed out of the house and headed into rush hour traffic. I like to get there about 45 minutes before the customers are due, just to refresh my mind on the line, put together what I want to emphasize and basically put my game face on.

It was going to be close. My appointment was at 10:00 and by 9:15 I was still on the highway and everything was crawling. I....was in a panic.

As luck would have it, I made it in plenty of time. But imagine my surprise when I got out of the car and my feet flew out from underneath me. Ice?! Everything was covered in ICE. Huh. Didn't hear anything about THAT on the radio.

Anyway - things went wonderfully. I challenged the dealer and her assistants to double their business next year. With the line-up we choose and their business being what it is, it's really a no brainer.

But what made me smile was their response. This business owner. This woman who runs a tight, tough ship looked at me and just as serious as day, nodded her head. "Tammi. We'll do what ever we need to for you."

How nice is that?! Especially with everything that's been going on.....

Then, I swung by the Craft company. I hadn't been there in a long while, and that's really a shame as it's so close to the Corp. office.

I need to do that more often, let me tell you. I REALLY miss working with people on a regular basis. I miss the relationships, I miss the conversations. And man....they were so NICE to me.

We miss you Tammi.

Love the new hair cut Tammi.

What a great outfit Tammi.

We miss you so much.

Now be honest. That's REALLY nice to hear. was EXACTLY the medicine I needed. I warned them I might just start stopping by weekly just for a compliment or two to get me through......

Sure did make that drive home a bit more pleasant. Hell - that made my week!!

Posted by Tammi at December 11, 2007 05:09 AM | TrackBack

That's wonderful to hear, whether you're having a great day or a lousy one. :D

Posted by: pam at December 11, 2007 08:18 AM
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