October 19, 2007

Weekend at Mama's

This weekend we celebrate my sister, Dee's birthday. Mama's is a week later.

Now normally I get everyone together and we all go out to eat. Since I don't "do" the kids' birthdays anymore, we just celebrate everything all at once.

This year I'm going to cook for the family. One, the cost of taking everyone out for a nice meal - 6 of us and my God-Mother - is just scary. Plus, it's not quality time together. And damnit...we are a family. We WILL act like one at least ONCE a year.

So, I'm making a couple of pan of Chicken Enchilada's (thanks AW), some Mexican rice, and cornbread. For dessert we're having apple crisp and cinnamon ice cream.

Then, what I'd like to see happen, is everyone have a nice evening talking, laughing and playing games. A Family Night. That's all I want is a pleasant Family Night.

We'll see how that goes. The laughin' could be iffy - afterall, we all know *I'm* not funny!

I'm also takin' Lana in today. She's going under the knife as it were. I can only hope if I have to drop all this money in her it accomplishes more than getting the light on the dashboard to go off. If this doesn't do it, well.....it's not a happy thought.

I'll be back in Paradise by kick off Sunday.

That, at least, is the plan.

Weekend at Mama's. I'm thinkin' Blog Fodder Extrodinaire.

If nothin' else, I've really been cravin' apple crisp and cinnimon ice cream......

Posted by Tammi at October 19, 2007 07:21 AM | TrackBack

Great minds think alike. I've got some apples I need to use up and have decided to make two pans of apple crisp. One to share and one that I'll gobble down on my own.

Gott, it's good stuff! I'm thinking of doing some phyllo or puff pastry with it for individual portions. Mmmmm! I'm dangerous when I get creative!

The cinnamon ice cream sounds yummy, I'll have to go to McClain's and get some or to Big Olaf down the street!

It'll be smelling yummy in our houses this weekend!

Posted by: Lee Ann at October 19, 2007 08:20 AM

Happy birthday to everybody and I hope that you have a wonderful time at Momma Vi's!! :)

Posted by: Richmond at October 19, 2007 11:49 AM

MMMM!!! Apple crisp. I was thinking that myself. I wish it would cool down here in St Pete so I can bake.

Posted by: at October 19, 2007 07:33 PM

oops sorry! didnt mean to post as anon

Posted by: Cindy at October 19, 2007 07:34 PM

Hey, Tammi. We had a pretty good time in Newark that night. Best wishes for you. How are you doing? Hopefully you are more grounded.

You were a good sport that night and I will always love you, 'Darlin Tammi.


Posted by: John at October 20, 2007 03:18 AM
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