October 03, 2007

Stop the Cycle

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and I've been trying to figure out just exactly what I want to say and how for a while now. It's a huge topic and one that, for me, is very complicated.

I've run a dozen different ideas through my mind and I think what I'll do is just try and help make people AWARE of the issue. Give some insight, put a face as it were to the problem. And I'll do that through out the month.

Domestic Violence.....violence in the home. When most people hear that they think of women being beaten or killed. And that is a part of it. According to some statistics, approximately 4000 women are beaten to death annually by a family member. 4000.

But it goes beyond that. I've seen, over the past decade, more and more men who are victims. Violence is not just a "masculine" trait. But society, while still so critical of women that stay, has little if ANY understanding that men are often trapped in that same cycle. With even less help available.

And the babies. We can't forget the babies. Even if the violence itself is centered at the adult, the babies see. And hear. And learn. They learn that it's ok to hit. They learn that it's ok to BE hit.

But it's not JUST physical. It's emotional. It's psychological.

It's VERY complicated.

It's a horrible horrible cycle - and one that shows no sign of slowing.

Now, I'm not qualified to tell you what to do. As victims or observers. But....I will, over the next few weeks, show you a peak behind the curtain. Try and help you understand WHY it's so hard to leave and what we, those that see or hear what's going on, CAN do.

This PSA made me physically sick. For several reasons.........

Posted by Tammi at October 3, 2007 07:24 AM | TrackBack

Oh, man. Never been there, but that freaks me out.... gives one a sick feeling... :(

Posted by: pam at October 3, 2007 08:04 AM

.... any man who would beat a woman is no better than a pile of dogshit..... if you have his address and want him beaten, just let me know.... I have friends in most states who would be more than happy to cripple a man who would abuse a woman.....

... I am serious....

Posted by: Eric at October 4, 2007 07:54 PM

If those kids (actors) were not traumatized before shooting that PSA they surely are after.

Posted by: Lukie at October 8, 2007 01:58 PM

I left my first husband when he started arguing in front of the kids, even though they were only 4 and 1. They saw enough, and I knew I had to leave before it got to what was shown in that video.

So many women can't leave...they think it's best for the kids to stay. It isn't. Ever.

Posted by: Mrs. Who at October 8, 2007 09:47 PM
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