September 05, 2007

No Complaint......Yet

I'm pleased to announce the DirecTV is on. However, I've somehow managed to misplace my boxes. The TV boxes, that is! So, I only have the TV in the living room operational, and that's alright. Until the basement gets set up, this is all I need. there I sat last night. Happily ensconced in my Golden Throne, air conditioning set on "crispy cool", my favorite blankey on my lap and a cup of Apple Cinnamon tea on the end table beside me. In my left hand was the remote and as I looped endlessly through the Guide. It didn't bother me in the least that there were 400 channels and not a darn thing I wanted to watch.

I couldn't get that smirky grin off my face.

I really am an easy girl to please. It's the little things.........

Posted by Tammi at September 5, 2007 06:53 AM | TrackBack
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