September 04, 2007

Peace in the Valley

Ahhhh peace. And routine. It's about damned time. And today is the beginning.

Today I finally FINALLY get T.V. Now, I'm not missing any certain show, I'm just so happy that I'll be able to get back into MY life.

It won't be so damned quiet around here. I won't have to wait until 7:00 at night to have Something to distract me.......

I can play music, other than my iPod, while I work. There will be enough movies to choose from that even *I* will find something to enjoy, to distract me.

And there will be Sports Center. And the NFL Channel.

June 15. I've spent that time settling into a new house, a new job. It's been a long summer. A long summer with too damned much time to think. I'm done thinking for now. Right now, I just want to be entertained.

I'm not one of those addicted to TV. Most of the time, it's on for background noise only. It keeps the house from echoing. That's all. But that's HUGE to some of us.

It is a wonderful distraction.

I guess the idea of the Squawk Box and Peace is rather contradictory, but I never claimed to look at things the way most folks do. And I don't see that changin' any time soon......

Posted by Tammi at September 4, 2007 06:28 AM | TrackBack


I do that too... the background noise thing. I've no idea what's on, it's just there to chase away the quiet.
I even leave it on for the dogs when I go out because they're used to it being there... ;)

Posted by: pam at September 4, 2007 08:44 AM

Yay TV!! :) We are gettnig carpet today - I am giddy!

Posted by: Richmond at September 4, 2007 09:14 AM
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