August 01, 2007

Mama Vi

I had figured we'd have us another edition of Dear Mama Vi after my visit home this past weekend. But, alas, it was not in the cards. She was very focused on family and family things so politics took a bit of a back seat.

And honestly? I'm sorta alright with that.

Now Dee, on the other hand, decided she wanted to "spar" a bit over the surge and bringing the troops home. Probably not her best idea, let me just say that.

Her view is we need to bring our people home. She is sick over the amount of money we are spending over there, when we have people in our own country in such need.

She started quoting some tripe and I stopped her mid sentence.

Tammi: Where did you hear that? Where do you get your information?
Dee: The news. I always...
Tammi: Well, there's your problem! You're listening to those lying asswipes that wouldn't/couldn't tell the truth to save their own mothers!!
Mama: Now Tammi. You leave their Mama's outta this!!
Tammi: Dee, read the Military Blogs on my site. Get an idea of what's really going on.

I went on to explain the surge is there. It's working. I told her what I've been reading at Blackfive, Mudville and Acute Politics, Badgers Forward. Folks that KNOW and aren't afraid to tell it like it is.

Mama then steps in and says she thinks it's time for it all to end. We've just had too much. And there are so many needy right here at home. At this point she and Dee start talking about health care and meds and all that stuff.

Tammi: So, y'all are all about the centralized health plans?
Mama: Yes. I think it would be a good thing.
Tammi: Mama? When did you become a Communist?
Mama: (I cannot describe the look I was on the receiving end of. But trust me, I still bear the laser burn marks!)
Mama; I. Am. Not. A. Communist. And you are not too big for me to beat your ass and wash your mouth out with soap, young lady!!!!!
Tammi: Well, I'm just sayin'...........that all sounds a bit like socialism/communism to me!

At this point Dee decides it might be a good idea to change the subject. That, I think, was the smartest decision she's made all month! Yeah, we were in dangerous territory and the situation was sinkin' fast. Stubborness is pretty much a family trait - I think it's passed along by osmosis. None of us were backin' down, and, well, hell. I just called my Mama a Communist, for cryin' out loud. The warning bells and whistles were sounding across the land!!!!

So, as you can see, we don't have a Dear Mama Vi post after this visit. And that's probably a good thing, because I have a feeling THIS one would have been aimed at ME!!!

Posted by Tammi at August 1, 2007 05:06 AM | TrackBack

I would have made the comment that all the health care in the world won't make up for wearing a burka if we lose this war.

But I'm a tad...reactionary, ya know.

Posted by: Raging Mom at August 1, 2007 05:32 AM

I know all about socialize heathcare, living in Michigan which is right next to Canada.

I know quite a few canadians who moved to or work in the US for better healthcare.

I have heard stories that are scaring the hell out of me with all the talk of socialized healthcare for the US.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Not to mention half you paycheck will go to the governement to support welfare peoples "free" healthcare also.

Posted by: Quality Weenie at August 1, 2007 07:47 AM

"Mama? When did you become a Communist?"

Insert sound effects of *woop* *woop* *woop* "DIVE, DIVE, DIVE" warnings! or better yet, a robot flailing his arms wildly saying loud and clear "Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Danger!"


Posted by: Lee Ann at August 1, 2007 09:17 AM

I can't add anything... I love these comments! I'll just say DITTO! LOL!

Posted by: pam at August 1, 2007 12:51 PM
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