June 04, 2007

Two Sides of the Coin

I found, via Jay, this post that talks about puttin' on your "work face". Ha! Boy did that one hit home with me.

I have a work face. Oh yes I do. It's got make-up on it. But I'm thinkin' the author, bein' a guy and all, was talking more about the work "persona". I have one of those too.

And I really like my work persona. She is someone I enjoy. That's probably a good thing, since I do spend so much time working.

She's in control. She's strong. She's funny. She's not one bit shy. And she kicks ass.

Sometimes I feel like Lynda Carter (this is symbolism folks, not that I think I look anything like her!) I step away from life, and voila I become this kick ass chick. Kinda Wonder Womanish.

'Cause day to day? Every day life? Yeah, not a whole lot in common with that Work Tammi. Oh, she'll bleed over into day to day, when I need her. But I've discovered lately, I've become a tad bit......ditsy. And I don't know if I'm alright with that.

I don't know why this has come about. No idea. When I was married, I was the one responsible for all the bills being paid, groceries, kids, laundry plus work. And even at the ripe ole age of 22 I did it. Then, divorced. Standing on my own two feet. Taking care of the business of life.

But lately? Holy crap!!! I don't notice the most obvious of things - like a dog standing in the middle of the highway. I forget everything - like buying coffee, for cryin' out loud. Hell, half the time I don't know what day it is!!!

But you let that phone ring or put me in a store, and I'm flippin' Ask Jeeves in person!!! I notice EVERYTHING. I'm all over markets and shares and demographics. I get these creative ideas and solutions... There are times I sit back and wonder just where in the hell THAT came from. And then as soon as that thought hits - I do something stupid.

So I guess it's a good thing the personal and professional will be so closely intertwined again. (Working from home does that.) Maybe some of that "Got it togetherness" will rub off on the "WTH is going on" girl.......

But tell me? Do you notice a big difference in the person you are when you're "On" and the person you are when you're just being You?

Posted by Tammi at June 4, 2007 06:45 AM | TrackBack

I use to be the same person in work and out of work personality wise. But I finally figured out about 7 years ago that that will bite you in the ass everytime.

I now am only very professional at work, very little chatty cathy.

So when people meet me out of work it surprises the hell out of them because I am a very different person.

Posted by: Quality Weenie at June 4, 2007 07:18 AM

Heh - I'm a lot bossier when I'm "on" - that's about it...

Posted by: Richmond at June 4, 2007 09:08 AM

Work Contagion and Non-work Contagion are two very different people. At work I am the polite, cordial, well mannered individual that none of you have come to know and love. He doesn't swear, he doesn't drink, he's quite and attentive. At work Contagion uses phones, is open and not shy, is nice(er) and wouldn't think of drinking or smoking.

Non-work contagion, let me just say people that know me from work are shocked when they first see me outside of a work environment.

Posted by: Contagion at June 4, 2007 01:12 PM

I have to work on getting the non-work me turned off. Just today, I had to take the eldest to a summer school class at a school I've never been to, and wander around with all the others trying find out where to go. Only, I had my 'work-face' on, and people kept asking me how to find things. Adults who WORKED at the school were asking me that.

Posted by: Mrs. Who at June 4, 2007 03:31 PM
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