June 01, 2007

Holy Smoke(less)

Smokeless Cigarettes? Not candy, but cigarettes??

I'm not sure how I feel about this....

First smokeless cigarette to go on sale

The world's first smoke and tobacco free cigarette is due to go on sale.

The cigarette has been cleared for commercial release and should be on sale early next year.

Swissmedic, the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products, has decided the NicStic is not a medicinal product and has cleared the path for its commercial production.

Monique Helfer of Swissmedic said: "If we had classified the NicStic as medication, the manufacturer would have had to apply to have it covered by health insurance and therefore it would have required the approval of the Federal Health Office and taken a lot longer to get to the public."

Instead the Swiss invention aimed at smokers who enjoy smoking regardless of growing condemnation of the habit should soon be available for the same cost as normal cigarettes.

The smokeless and tobacco-free cigarette uses a rechargeable heating coil in a plastic cigarette-sized stick to dispense nicotine without smoke.

NicStic's inventors say their invention will allow smokers to "light-up" without annoying others with passive smoke and therefore avoid the increasing smoking bans in public places.

The company promises that dragging on it releases "a similar taste" to cigarettes without the health issues from tar, arsenic, cadmium and formaldehyde that a normal cigarette contains.

But Janine Messerli from the Swiss Institute for Alcohol and Drug Prevention is critical of NicStic and the Swissmedic decision: "Nicotine is what makes smoking addictive, and so this product changes nothing." (Emphasis mine)

Ok, so I can still smoke and not stink, or taste like a cigarette? Huh. And the cough would go away? AND, I'd still get my crack, uh I mean nicotine?

Why WOULDN'T I try these?!?! Can you give me one good reason???

Posted by Tammi at June 1, 2007 06:06 AM | TrackBack

I can! I can! I can!

Okay, first and foremost, Paradise is a smoke free house. That means even if you can't see or smell the smoke, it's a smoke free house. Why ruin paradise with the smell of tobacco? (Even with candles going, the first time you notice it, it will take the bloom off the rose.)

Second, it's still crack and it's the crack that's really, really bad for you and you know that. You've made valiant efforts in the past to get off the crack. So why find something now that delivers a more PURE form of the stuff? Same effects, same health issues and same problems, just none of the funky side items (like inhaling arsenic, cadmium, and whatever other fillers they choose to throw in).

Third, it's the same cost as cigarettes. It's not a one time purchase and therefore is outrageously expensive, but in the long term you only buy it once and your set. That ain't it. So if you have to do it, smoke the cigarette until its time to quit. (You're not going to grow any taller, so I think its safe now.) ;)

Okay, that's my three cents worth. *smooch*

Posted by: Lee Ann at June 1, 2007 07:29 AM

Not saying these are a "good" thing, but it's not the nicotine that gives people cancer... it's all the toxic shit released from burning them.

Like I said, not a "good" thing to feed an addiction, but if you can do it without dying of emphasema I'm for it.

Posted by: Graumagus at June 1, 2007 01:35 PM

As a non-smoker who can't breathe for at least a day after I'm around cigarette smoke (not exaggerating, I really am that sensitive to it), I love this idea. I don't love the idea of staying on the crack, because I know you've been trying to kick it and I think that's awesome... but it's definitely way better for the second-handers than the cancer sticks you're currently puffing.

Posted by: sarahk at June 1, 2007 04:15 PM
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