April 29, 2007

A Welcome Home

Yesterday was rather fun. First I have to say it was a BEAUTFIUL day. I sooo wish I had had the chance to go for one of those long endless drives, but alas - I am a grown up.

ANYway....we had us a little party yesterday afternoon. It was in honor of the return of our local gypsy, T1G. A few of us bloggers got together to chat, drink beer, eat fried food and give him shit. It was a GREAT way to spend the afternoon.

Richmond, with her two lovely daughters were there when T1G and I arrived. Now, I gotta tell you.....I just love her daughters. Richmond's great too - but man she has some wonderful girls. We all greeted each other and got settled in while waiting for our pitchers of beer and snicky snacks. Not long after we ordered THE Blogfadda arrived. It's always a pleasure to get the chance to spend some time with Harvey. We missed TNT, but we'll make up for that later!

Food arrives and talking and joking commences when who should appear?!?!?! Raging Mom! I couldn't have been happier. She said she was going to TRY to make it, but she's one busy lady! I really wasn't counting on it. But she made it. And we were all so glad.

Anyway - It was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Friends, beer, food, cheesecake. No, really, we had cheesecake. Turtle cheesecake. Oh - yeah, we were at Hooters, so the guys got their version too, but that really didn't do all that much for me......

Here's a couple of photos from the day.

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Par usual, no one but RM was listening when I said PICTURE TIME!! but I took the damned thing anyway. I don't get it. I talk and talk and talk, and no one ever listens......

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Here's our Guest of Honor, the Wandering Gypsy. It sure is good to have him back home again!

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These are the lovely ladies (starting on the left) Richmond and Raging Mom. Time spent with these girls is always a GOOD time.

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This one may be tough to see, but it's Richmond's youngest daughter, showing the Hooter's Girls how to hula hoop. She's gooooooddddd.....

So yeah, as you can see, it was a good afternoon. Beer, friends, laughs and food. What's not to love?!?!?!?!

Oh, and here's a great picture of Harvey. I snuck this one past his "security" just for you!

Posted by Tammi at April 29, 2007 06:48 AM | TrackBack

Thanks for putting faces to the people I read most every day.

Posted by: Cindy at April 29, 2007 07:43 AM

I had the BEST time! We have to do this again soon! Although when I got home and my mouth is running a mile a minute, Old Sarge said he didn't want to hear about this "blogging crap".

Anyway, interesting news from the boy in Texas on the way home...

Posted by: Raging Mom at April 29, 2007 10:11 AM

T1G what the hell is up with the hair man?

You turning into some liberal hippy or something?

Posted by: Quality Weenie at April 29, 2007 11:50 AM

It was an awesome time! The girls think Hooters *rocks* - I am still unsure how I feel about that... Heh. ;-)

Posted by: Richmond at April 29, 2007 01:45 PM

so envious

Posted by: wRitErsbLock at April 29, 2007 03:30 PM

Of course you love Richmond's girls... for now. Once they get older, it won't be so damn easy to steal their desserts.

Posted by: That 1 Guy at April 29, 2007 05:25 PM

I got to have a glass of milk this weekend! Yay! Maybe wings in a couple months.

Posted by: og at April 29, 2007 08:47 PM

T1G = Hella 'Ceps...Whew!

Posted by: Erica at April 29, 2007 09:36 PM

Yeah, keep that shit up T1G and you can sit and watch everyone ELSE eat turtle cheesecake at the next Tammi's World meet.....I've found the damned recipe! HA!

Oh, and thanks for changin' the tag line again.....ya shit. ;-)

Posted by: Tammi at April 30, 2007 06:28 AM

i LOVE the new tagline. anyway, i have the same problem, with no one listening when i talk. he gets yelled at a lot for that. "YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME!" "Well, maybe if you talked less..." And then he gets in MAJOR trouble.

Posted by: sarahk at April 30, 2007 10:09 AM

Hey, Just 'cos Joe's workin' that Kevin Costner look, don't pick on him. I think all that sun got to his head, and, it made his hair grow. He's smilin', he's happy enough. Good to see it, hippy hair or not. Hooters? How'd he talk y'all into that one?

Posted by: RedNeck at April 30, 2007 09:23 PM

TNT's gonna be sad that she missed the hula-hoopin'.

Posted by: Harvey at May 3, 2007 09:59 AM
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