April 04, 2007

Charm Personified

Because I just know y'all are just riveted by my daily life, I'll tell you how the rest of my day went, after the little traffic issues I had yesteday.

It sucked.

Wet, dirty socks.

I don't know what is wrong right now, but I'm just.....just......snippy. Ok - I owe y'all the truth. I'm just flat out in a bitchy kinda mood.

Now, normally I get things done by being pleasant and grateful. Yeah, yesterday? Not so much.

But I did manage to make myself (and a few others) laugh.

Tammi: Damnit!!! All I want is a f*ckin' system that works, someone to help me get this shit done and the ability to have five f*ckin' minutes of peace. That's all. Five f*ckin' minutes!!! Is that askin' too much!?!?!?!

Co-Worker: Well.....

Tammi: I've asked and asked. Filled out more f*ckin' forms than the DoD tryin' to buy a damned toilet seat but nothin'.......

Co-Worker: It's al.....

Tammi: What the HELL does it take to get something resolved around here?

Co-Worker: Did you....

Tammi: And when do they plan on hirin' someone, for cryin' out loud?!?! It's been f*ckin' months and nothin'...nothin'....

Co-Worker: I heard......

Tammi: DAMNIT! All I want is for them to fix this f*ckin' system, give me access to what I need to do my job and then leave me the f*ck alone.

Co-Worker: Well, did you ask them? (actually getting to finish a sentence since I was havin' trouble lightin' a cigarette)


Co-Worker: Nicely? (gettin' smart and starting w/one word replies, so as to be heard)

Tammi: NICELY?! DID I ASK NICELY?!?! I'm f*ckin' charmin' as hell, damnit. I'm always f*ckin' nice. I can't believe you asked me that.....(I think I actually doubled in size while sayin' this)

As soon as those words came out of my mouth I realized the irony. And just how incredibly stupid I sounded. All I could do was stand there and laugh.

Yeah, I'm real f*ckin' charmin' lately.......

Posted by Tammi at April 4, 2007 06:05 AM | TrackBack

can i be your whipping post?

i think maybe you are just suffering a contact pms outbreak from my psychobitch series. sorries. i tried to post something ppsitive last night but the demons got it.

you are charming, darling. with women there can be a hairline's difference between self assured and psychobitch. be careful out there.

Posted by: shoe at April 4, 2007 08:30 AM

You are always f*cking charming. :-) They'll figure it out eventually. Maybe you could speed things up by passing out shock collars or something. ;-)

Hang in there!

Posted by: Richmond at April 4, 2007 12:44 PM
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