Well, that was an interesting drive this morning.
We're getting some thunderstorms up this way. Now, if you are an intelligent person that would tell you a couple of things.
1) Get a bit earlier start, so you're not putting yourself in a difficult position of being late due to delays.
2) Slow down a bit. Leave some room between you and the cars/trucks in front of you. Rain on street = possible hydroplaning. Not a tough concept to grasp, if you really try.
So - I'm toolin' into the office. Music blaring, thinking through my day. I notice a bright yellow Trooper about 3 cars behind me. Traffic is, while not CRAWLING, a bit slower than normal. Not really too bad.
Anyway, ID (idiot driver) suddenly swerves into the middle lane. Than whips around the car beside me into the right hand lane. Just as quickly he barrels across two lanes to cut me off. There was barely a car length between me and the car in front of me.
At which time ID loses control of his vehicle and starts fishtailing. He continues to careen out of control until he hits the cement barrier.
I pull off to the shoulder, report the incident on my phone and grab my umbrella to go back and see if he is alright.
This would be the conversation, as I remember it:
Tammi: You alright? Do you need an ambulance?
ID: No. I'm fine, thank you. Just shook up.
Tammi: You sure?
ID: Yeah, I'm ok. Thanks
Tammi: Do you have a family? (still in a pleasant tone)
ID: Yeah?
Tammi: Is there a reason you're trying to never see them again?!?!?! And who the hell do you think you are putting MY LIFE IN DANGER because you are in a hurry!!!!!????????!!!!!
Tammi: That was just about the most idiotic thing I've witnessed on the road, and believe you me, that's sayin' something.
Tammi: Hydroplaning. I know it's a big word, but LEARN IT. UNDERSTAND IT.
ID: I'm sorry?
Tammi: Sorry don't cut it mister! You gettin' pissed off and driving like an idiot could have cost me, at best my car. At worst. My Life. I do not appreciate you putting me in that position. You do NOT have that right.
Tammi: Now, as long as you are alright, I'm outta here.
ID: ok.
O.M.G. I don't think I remember being that pissed off in a long, long, long time.
I continued to fume during the rest of my drive. As I take my exit off of I90 I pull up to a stop light. There is a Turn Left On Arrow Only intersection. The arrow doesn't last long, so you need to really pay attention.
Well......there was this teenager, whose pants were "sagging" so low the crotch was at his knees. He couldn't even walk. He had to waddle. Well, ignoring the traffic signs he starts out across the intersection. Just as he hits my lane the arrow goes green. He had to waddle sooooo slowly I completely missed my turn.
I rolled down the window...........
Tammi: They have belts you know.
Teenager: (flips me off)
So I made it fine. Lana's fine. Everything's fine. All I know is the day HAS to get better after all that................
Posted by Tammi at April 3, 2007 09:25 AM | TrackBackI think you should have just hit the teeenager. Thinning the herd.
BTW, did you know that teeen (if spelled correctly with two E's) is a bad word on your spam filter, LOL.
Posted by: Jerry at April 3, 2007 10:27 AMYou are my HERO!
Gosh, the number of times I have dreamed of doing that ... you just did what every normal driving, red blooded american dreams of doing!
Posted by: Quality Weenie at April 3, 2007 10:51 AMYou Rawk. So, the cop behind you, did he stop?
Posted by: oddybobo at April 3, 2007 10:59 AMIt wasn't a cop behind me - the ID was DRIVING one of those "Trooper" SUV's.
What a thing of beauty!
Posted by: Raging Mom at April 3, 2007 12:08 PMAnother reason why I love you! I only hope given the same circumstances I would also have had the same presence of mind to give him an ass chewing after making sure he still had his ass.
Love it!
Posted by: Lee Ann at April 3, 2007 01:37 PMwow. glad you're okay
Posted by: wRitErsbLock at April 3, 2007 01:55 PMGood for you Tammi!
I just the state would allow an "open season" on these friggin' idiots.
I tend to just slow down a little, point, & laugh when I see a dork-jag like that go into the ditch.
Posted by: Wes at April 3, 2007 04:23 PMShould've been "jag-dork", but you get my drift... ;^)
Posted by: Wes at April 3, 2007 04:24 PMwhile i agree, i seem to remember somebody that has a little trouble driving awake...
and since, we all still have our own crosses to bear... but those mofo kin hydroplaners, they really suck.
i'm glad you're ok.
Posted by: shoe at April 3, 2007 04:31 PMYep, every time it rains or snows I see this.
Posted by: Contagion at April 3, 2007 06:11 PMLMAO at Shoe...
Posted by: That 1 Guy at April 3, 2007 06:14 PMI found your blog after stumbling upon Bad Example. Not many people spell their names like us! I just find it nice:)
Have a great day, Tammi
Oh holy crap! Good for you for telling the ID off...
Posted by: Richmond at April 4, 2007 12:49 PMHoly shit...I'd say I'd feel sorry for the first guy, but he deserved it.
And as for the second one...just keep a supply of pink belts from Goodwill and throw out the window at them...'I'm sorry you're too poor to buy a belt..have one for free!'
Posted by: Mrs. Who at April 4, 2007 07:07 PMI never want to say anything to the freaks who wear their pants like that....I just want to walk up behind them and pull everything off, then point and laugh :)
Posted by: ktreva at April 4, 2007 07:24 PM