December 02, 2006

Watchin' out for me....

I'm sure y'all are about sick of hearing about the snow and such from yesterday. But I just have to tell you about this one thing....then I'll stop. I promise.

My landlady is THE BOMB. Seriously.

She called yesterday morning and asked how I was doing and to make sure I had everything I needed. She also wanted to let me know she would leave a shovel at the bottom of my stairs for me. Mine was left behind in the move, and after seeing the one she THOUGHT was mine I understand why. I'll be buying a new one today.

Anyway - remember, The Belfry is an attic. I got one way in and one way out. The way in involves some really really steep and narrow stairs and a deck.

Lovely. Picture it. Me. Shoveling steps. Yeah - I may have to just post a video camera some where cause I'm sure there'd be some interesting footage during the upcoming months.

So - this morning I need to head into town. I have an appointment early this morning and I want some salt and that new shovel.

I'm dreading the whole going outside thing. It's 9 degrees. No, I didn't leave a number out - Nine. Remember, my winter coat is down at the post office. Not a wonderful scenerio.

I push the door open and stop out into the snow drift on the deck. I look over and the shovel is at the top of the stair. At the top of the very cleaned off stairs.

WooHoo. The landlady had her grandson clean off my steps for me. All I have to do is get the deck cleaned off. I think I can do that.

And to make things even better, Maggie May started right up. AND there was something that resembled heat coming out of her defrosters!! WooHoo!!

I'm going to hire her grandson to keep up on snow removel here at the Belfry. I think it's the answer to all the problems. And I need to think of something really nice to do for my Landlady. She is all that and a bag of chips. I'm very lucky to have her.

Posted by Tammi at December 2, 2006 07:12 AM | TrackBack

YAY! She - and her grandson - are keepers! :)

Posted by: pam at December 2, 2006 10:09 AM

anunexpected treat to be sure...

Posted by: armywifetoddlermom at December 2, 2006 10:35 AM

Your landlady is a wonderful woman.

I will suggest going to someplace like True Value and buying a "tube" of sand. It looks like a big fat long tube along the lines of those things you would lay at the base of a door to keep the cold air from coming under.

Keep it by your door outside. Get a little scoop or plastic cup and a small bowl so you don't have to drag the thing up and down the stairs. And sand the stairs after they're shoveled off. Because unless they're dry, they'll get slick with a coating of ice. You don't need much sand on each, just a sprinkle. And sand won't kill the grass or any plants.

Posted by: Teresa at December 2, 2006 01:01 PM
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