October 09, 2006

We Speak English

Business is a complicated world. Seriously. And trust me when I tell you, the devil is in the details. What may seem like a small issue can really REALLY screw up your plan.

For instance, let's talk about packaging. Now, if you want to do business in Canada (well, French speaking Canada) you have to have a certain percentage of your packaging in French. Period. It's the law.

Ok - that's fair. We're importing product so we should have to abide by their laws. I can deal with that.

But what I take real issue with is the fact that some retailers within these United States, where English is supposed to be the main language, will no longer stock or sell your product if you do not have Spanish on the packaging. And that is for product they are SELLING here, not just buying here.

And they aren't kidding.

I can sorta/kinda/almost see what they are doing. Hispanics have become one of the major purchasing groups in this country. Cool. We design products that we know will appeal and try to get their business. It's what we do. BUT - why oh why should I have to spend all that extra money to put Spanish labeling on packages that will be sold in America?

First and foremost it raises the cost. People want a deal. Manufacturers are pushed daily to reduce costs. We can't do that if we're spending all that money on packaging. In many cases the damn boxes/bags and such costs more to make than the product itself. And no matter what you say, presentation is important. The way the product is displayed goes a long way in how successful you are.

Rumor has it, we may be legally required to modify everything. This does NOT make me happy. So we're looking at packaging with English, French and Spanish. How in the hell are we even going to know what the hell is IN there?!?!?

I want people to purchase what I sell. Really I do. But I need to make a profit too. That's kinda important. Otherwise, my employer cannot afford to pay me, and I am NOT in this as a charity. But special interest groups are making this harder and harder to do.

Seriously, every day this is becoming a bigger and bigger issue. And you can think it doesn't effect you. You can believe that it's all a bunch of hot air. But as your prices rise, please keep in mind, by not speaking up, by not making sure our government understands this is unexceptable, you are helping to make things worse.

Posted by Tammi at October 9, 2006 06:08 AM | TrackBack

And that's the part that people need to be made aware of -- putting any non-English on the packaging is making it COST MORE FOR AMERICANS.

Posted by: Ogre at October 9, 2006 06:36 AM

Don't even get me going - I live in the only fully billingual province in Canada (New Brunswick) and everything HAS to be in French & English...it's so annoying.

Posted by: Lisa W. at October 9, 2006 10:29 AM

I don't think it should be a law that packaging needs to have spanish on them. However, I can understand why a company would not buy a certain product because it doesn't. Especially if they know their target audience.

I lived practically in Mexico. I was shocked by how much our commerce depended on the hispanic community.

So while I still think we should have the right to choose...I can understand why companies would choose to have the Spanish...it makes them money.

Posted by: Sissy at October 9, 2006 03:52 PM

Dealing with Miami again?

Posted by: Bou at October 9, 2006 09:13 PM

Oh this just sets me off. I've been to Mexico. I've bought products written in Spanish. I think I can figure out what bread, peanut butter, and eggs are, without it being in English. And those words that I just couldn't figure out, I got out my phrasebook and looked it up. You know why? Because I'm in their country! Why is this so difficult to do in the USA?

Posted by: Jerry at October 9, 2006 10:55 PM
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