June 23, 2006

Just a Status Check

I can't believe that I am typing these next words.


So soon.

Tomorrow is moving day.

I cannot begin to tell you how sick I am of moving. Sick doesn't even TOUCH how I feel about all this.

But - The Belfry is home. As of tomorrow. It'll be fine. I'm just kinda tired.

It's 8:15 here and I just walked in the door. I'm babyin' my car right now so I stop half way to let her cool off and get a diet coke. It's just makin' the day long. Hoping to get her (the car) worked on in the next couple of weeks. I figure it's more important to GET to work than anything else right now.....

Lucky for me (remind me that I said this later, 'mkay) The Belfry is a small place. I'm talkin' small. The good part of that is most everything will stay in storage. THAT will be the main difference between this place and the postage stamp house. Well, that and the doors and windows all work here. AND it even locks. So, it's got that goin' for it.

I'm just movin' in enough stuff to make it feel "homey". Now that "enough stuff" will absolutely include candles. :-) And my kitchen stuff. Hey! I gotta burn stuff ONE way or another! hehehehe

Anyway - I'm off to pack up my clothes here and get things ready for in the morning.

I do want to take this opportuntity to thank Harvey and TNT. NO ONE could ask for better friends than these two. In the past four months they have been here for me at every turn. And stayin' here with them has been a pleasure. The company, the laughter, the discussion. Hell, they don't even mind that I'm extra groggy first thing every day. Oh - and Harvey makes the best damned coffee anywhere!!!!! Thanks you guys. More than I can say.

So tomorrow I head south. A bit. It won't take long to get my stuff in the door. Then it's a trip to the grocery and some serious nesting. Hmmmmmm what should I make for dinner????

Posted by Tammi at June 23, 2006 08:25 PM | TrackBack
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