February 01, 2005

The Things You Find....

So the other evening I'm having a delightful conversation with That 1 Guy, just laughing and catching up. (Thanks Dude)

So....I asked about what the doctor was telling him during a recent visit. I just wanted to make sure he's taking care of himself - hey, I worry about my family!

As we were discussing everything I ended up suggesting we check out what Ask A Nurse had to say. Tooling through the libary looking for Triglycerides I see Trigger Finger. What?!?!

So we investigate the Triglycerides and I tell him we gotta look at what this trigger finger thing is.

Now, I'm sure if you suffer from this malady it's terrible. But I gotta say - it's funny as hell after a long tough day, while you're on the phone with a friend.

Here is what it looks like. I got the giggles. Seriously. And then, I'm trying to explain it to T1G and couldn't.....giggling too hard. Finally I manage to convey the jest of it...now we're both laughing (Guys don't giggle).

Well, now I've got to know what the hell this is. How do you get this trigger finger? How do they fix it? Can they fix it? Is it useful? (more giggling from Tammi.)

Here's what they have to say. The long and short of it? They don't know what causes it. Treatment ranges from ice and anti-inflamatory stuff to possibly surgery. It lasts as long as it lasts. So basically they know nothing.

But here's me. I can't stop the giggles. I've got all the different ways one could come "down" with this problem racing through my mind. I hear T1G laughing on the other end of the phone. I finally said I was sorry, but my mind just went places it probably shouldn't have. He said he more than understood. (hee)

It really was pretty funny......maybe it was just one of those "you kinda had to be there".

Posted by Tammi at February 1, 2005 06:00 AM

First, it looks like you need some finger V!agra to fix the problem.

Second, you assignment is to make a top 10 list of ways to get trigger finger.

I'd settle for a top 5 if you're not feeling inspired.

I'm guessing women get it from polishing the pearl :-)

Posted by: Harvey at February 1, 2005 07:44 AM

Until Harvey mentioned "polishing the pearl" I couldn't fathom what was so funny about it.

Must be the industrial geek in me, cause I was thinking that it probably happens to people who use power tools with triggers alot. You know like drills, saws, etc.

Posted by: Machelle at February 1, 2005 08:23 AM

Machelle! I'm ashamed of you! That should have been the first thing that popped into your mind! Being a Bad Example Family member and all. :)

That's why I was laughing so hard anyway.

Doctor:"What activities have you been involved with that could cause this?"
Patient: "Uh....weellll..... NOYB!!!"

Posted by: That 1 Guy at February 1, 2005 10:05 AM

Like I said, the industrial geek was present in me at the moment. Ya know, being at work and all. Geez, you don't think I walk around thinking about men in boots 24/7 do you?

Well ok, I do but really, just not at those exact seconds. Well ok, I probably was subconsciously but but butt.

Posted by: Machelle at February 1, 2005 12:13 PM