January 13, 2005

Self Reflection: It's good for the soul

One of the things we really covered in our meetings last week was how important it is that WE be fullfilled and satisfied on a personal basis. How important balance and center is to our successes both personally and professionally. I said, while I popped in near the end of the meeting, that it really was incredible. It was exactly what I needed to be learning, or relearning as it were, at this time of my life. You see - I so desperately crave balance.

We covered a multitude of topics, heard some wonderful speakers and spent hours doing exercises that, in all the many national sales meetings I've been to, I have never seen any Corporation cover. In some ways it almost felt like a Billy Graham Crusade, and I don't mean that in a disrespectful sort of way. It was just very personal, it was very moving.

One of the main activities was focused on recognizing and documenting our talents, values and purpose. If we don't acknowledge those things in us, and utilize them in our day to day existence (work & play) we will not be happy in what we do. It's a simple formula: (Talant + values) * purpose = success.

So we listed out our talants and then reviewed them with a partner. That was a bit uncomfortable, but not too bad - and actually very interesting to learn about those hidden talents in your co-workers. Then we had to list out our values and move to another partner and review both the talents and the values. The values were easy for me. But I heard a lot of people struggled with sharing those.....I think it's because to some it is a show of weakness, to me - I wear them on my sleeve so figured if you talk to me it's pretty evident any way. THEN...because you know it's not complete yet....we had to develop our purpose in life. Not in business alone, but in life overall. That was harder than you would imagine. And we again moved to another partner and shared that. Even though they told us to focus on our TOTAL LIVES, many kept if completely professional. But, if you are to achieve balance you have to make your purpose balanced. The final step in the exercise was to imagine yourself exactly 3 years from that moment. See yourself and your life exactly as you want it to be....staying realistic.....and then document it. Let me tell you - that was one of the toughest things I have ever done. When they first explained it to us, I thought "piece of cake" and it could have been. But I didn't want to just slap something out there, I didn't want the exercise to be a waste of time....I wanted to follow it through and glean the value of what they were trying to accomplish - afterall it was for OUR benefit.

So.....I thought it would be kinda cool to share with ya'll. If you want to play along, great - leave your responses in comments or shoot me an email. If not, then just try this in your own mind. I think you may just surprise yourself....

Talents - these are things that we are good at, that we possesssed at birth or learned during our lifetimes.
Story teller
Social Organizer

Values - the uncompromising ideals that influence our decisions, our choices in life.
Genuine caring
Truth - different than honesty
"We not Me"

So, look at your talents and values and put together a statement of purpose, the WHY of your life.

To support and develop those around me to find their joy and achieve their potential while being true to themselves (and myself) in that growth. Having fun and not taking for granted those gifts that we have - all without fear.

Seems like a silly exercise on the surface, but if you really work it, really put some thought into it, you can get a better understanding of yourself. And it can help you to see what is most important.

A quote in the workbook they put together for us is: "Having a purpose is the difference between making a living and having a life." Tom Thiss.

I've always been guilty of using my career to give me my identity. That's evident in the name for this blog. I've been a Road Warrior for longer than I care to admit. I've struggled for the last few years to talk about something other than business and things that result or revolve from it. My purpose has not been about ME it has been about My Results. Hmmmm....seeing a lack of balance here.

As I said, it really is a great exercise - and should be done from time to time, just like checking directions on a map - to make sure our lives are on track and that we are doing what it is we love. Using our talents, living by our values, to make our lives what we desire.

The hardest part was the vision. Life can be a kick in the pants. I often say that where I am now was not where I wanted to be at this point in my life. You know whose fault that is? Mine. Yep. I lost my vision. I was so focused on the here and now that I completely took my eye off the ball and lost my place. It sounds kinda sappy, but it's rather revealing when you put it on paper. And remember - it's a vision, a goal, a dream. But keep it realistic, make it optainable. So...close your eyes. It's Jan. 13, 2008. Your life is everything you want it to be, you are happy, content, fulfilled. What is happening? Where are you living and working? Who is in your life?

I am living with the love of my life, near the water surrounded by friends. Working to train and develop my team to discover their potential and joy. I dedicate my time to developing plans and programs where others can grow without fear to find the fun and balance in life and work. I have the time to spend with my core family and friends to continue that growth and journey myself.

Now the real work begins. Working towards that vision. How do I get there? Do I have the courage to make the necessary adjustments in my path? (you know, turn around if you've passed that exit!) Do I have the strength to ask for help? Do You?

Posted by Tammi at January 13, 2005 07:56 AM

Read this.

Thinking about this...

Posted by: Harvey at January 14, 2005 01:34 PM