Do you support our Military?
I do. With every fiber I have in my being.
Here's a chance to let the troops know.
America Supports You is a web site started by the DoD. They will get the message out to Americans on how important it is to be involved in supporting our Military men and women. Then they will make sure the troops get the information on how Americans are behind them. You can leave them messages, print out logos for hats and t-shirts.
Greyhawk over at Muddville has a much better explaination of the program.
This is a far reaching program and I think it's brilliant.
Here is a run down of some of the programs they have running:
A Million Thanks: The inital mission was to collect 1,000,000 letters and emails of thanks and appreciate for the U.S. Military men and women, past and present for all they have done and are doing for their country. That goal has been met. They are currently asking for another 400,000 letters and emails. That is 1 for every member of our Armed Forces serving today.
There is a place to post a message to our soldiers.
Soldiers Angels is a part of this program also.
These are just a few of the programs. I'm not going to list them all out. I WANT TO YOU GO OVER THERE.
Go and check it out. There are so many ways to help. Get involved. You'll be glad that you did. They are making it so easy for us....there is No Excuse for not doing something!!!
I'm adding it to my side bar now.
done did it. Saw it at the mudville.
Hope everything is going good your way.
Posted by: kat-missouri at November 22, 2004 02:06 AM