November 04, 2004

Just Announced

Elizabeth Edwards, the wife of John Edwards, was told yesterday that she has breast cancer.

That is devastating news for anyone to hear. All politics aside, my prayers go to her and her family. May they find the strength they need to deal with this disease.

**Some sites with information on Breast Cancer**

The Breast Cancer Site

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation

National Breast Cancer Foundation

Posted by Tammi at November 4, 2004 12:53 PM

I read about this earlier. How incredibly awful. She KNEW she had it all last week. Talk about stress. Your husband is in a heated race for a big job, and if he doesn't win, he doesn't have a job, you've got breast cancer, you can't tell anyone, you have to keep it inside (except for your spouse... I'm sure she told him), she had to live through that week knowing it was growing in her... Her own personal hell. I am sick for them.

Posted by: Boudicca at November 4, 2004 08:21 PM