August 18, 2004


GOOD NEWS on the economy.

According to Forbes, things are looking up economically. Oh, the Kerry camp still claims otherwise, but it is getting better. Bit by Bit.

But then again, you've heard the old saying - how do you eat a bear? One bite at a time!!

We've still got a ways to go, but with everything involved, GWoT, Hurricanes and the general seasonality of the economy - I'm taking this as a very good thing.

Posted by Tammi at August 18, 2004 12:45 PM

I'm going to look at the bright side on Charley, and say the agricultural damage isn't going to affect produce prices that much until after the election.

At which point, look for the Dems to claim that high juice prices are just a trick by Bush's friends in Big Juice to give scurvy to minority children.

Posted by: Harvey at August 19, 2004 10:10 AM