I did get a chance to see a bit of the premier show. I'll admit, not bad. Not nearly as bad as I was afraid it would be.
I loved where they had the city kids wear the clothes. I just wish they would have made them follow all the rules. The earrings and such kind of pulled away from it all.
That part actually reminded me of an story from my life. I used to take my car and head up to my cousin's house of the weekend. She wasn't Amish but she was conservative Mennonite, so very strict dress code and such. She is a beautiful girl, no matter what she wore. Anyway, I'd pick her up and we'd head to the first gas station. She would change out of her regular duds and change into an outfit I would bring from home. I've never been a real conservative dresser so she went from beautiful to down right HOT.
We'd cruise around, hit a few parties and then get back to the station, change and get home within an hour of cerfew. I once made the statement that I didn't think she'd stay Mennonite. Never gave a reason, but I knew how much she enjoyed those nights out. Now? She's still conservative and we never talk about those times. Oh, and her daughters don't get away with anything - Mom's already done it and knows all the tricks.
Anyway - I loved it when they went to the beach. Ruth's reaction was not unexpected at all, in my opinion. I remember the first time all of us cousins went and several of them reacted the same way.
Mose rocks!!! And listening to him talk is like music to my ears. I love the accent. (I do a great immitation).
I really look forward to being able to watch the whole thing next week. I'll be able to watch it with my sister, so it should stir a bit of memories and conversation.
My .02 worth!
Posted by Tammi at July 30, 2004 08:23 AMI grew up in the Bible belt and I have friend whose paarents were really strict about what she could and could not do on Sundays. She used to do the change in the car thing with us when we went out. Good memories!
Posted by: Boudicca at July 30, 2004 11:00 AMI watched it too...I wanted to see how they handled it. They did a good job I thought, but I must say the "city kids" are some of the most obnoxious, ill-mannered, spoiled brats I've ever seen!
The immaturity and the way they carried on when they met their additional roommates, showed how "adept" they would be at handling this new perspective. Suffice to say, most will fail in this life at being unable to work with others.
Posted by: Lee Ann at July 30, 2004 12:15 PM