So after writing the soft, mushy post before this I head on over to see what my friend Noble Eagle has to say. Oh My Goodness.
Damn blogspot won't let me link directly to the story, but click here and scroll down to "FOR THE (PRO-CHOICE) WOMAN WHO HAS EVERYTHING". WARNING - You Will Get Pissed Off. Really you will.
Seems planned parenthood has a little something for those that choose to use "alternative methods" of birth control.
Yeah, they are offerint T-shirts that proudly proclaim "I Had an Abortion". Yeah can you friggin' believe that. Yeah for the bargain price of $15 you can sell your dignity!
I'm enraged. I'm getting off the computer now before I hurt someone.
Posted by Tammi at July 27, 2004 06:49 AMThat's disgusting. Who would wear one of those?
Makes me wonder what could be next...
Posted by: pam at July 27, 2004 07:14 AMOnly whacked out freaks of nature would wear something like that. The women I know who have had abortions aren't proud of it at all. Even in the case of rape it is a gut wrenching experience and an extension of the original crime. Bah!
Posted by: Boudicca at July 27, 2004 07:59 AMTammi,
If you go down to the line just above comments, where it reads
# posted by Noble @ 5:07 PM
you can left click on the # and it will bring you to that post's archive page, or you can right click it to copy the link URL.
Posted by: Noble Eagle at July 27, 2004 09:03 AMYeah, I saw this somewhere... can't remember where at the moment... last night. There was something to do with an address being disabled because of a Drudge link... Nope can't remember. Anyhow, my God these people get more disgusting every day! On a spiritual level you can't get much lower than this - they have now crawled into the hole in the ground and pulled the sewage in on top of them.
On a medical level this is equivalent to wearing a tshirt that says "I had a colostomy"...
We need to watch these people, I think they're about to explode or something - very creepy!
Posted by: Teresa at July 27, 2004 09:42 AMF***in' freaks.
Posted by: That 1 Guy at July 27, 2004 11:02 AMUnbelievable seems to be about all you can say.
Posted by: Lee Ann at July 27, 2004 12:25 PM"Creepy" about sums it up Theresa.
Posted by: Noble Eagle at July 27, 2004 12:46 PMThat is distasteful, but, do they have them for guys that say "I have no intention of paying Child Support?", or "I paid for my mistress to have an abortion, as I don't want an expensive divorce?" I'm Pro-Life, but I don't think it's just women's attitudes that need to change...
Posted by: Sally at July 27, 2004 12:58 PM...looks like my space - bar broke again...
Posted by: Sally at July 27, 2004 01:59 PMWhy mince words...why not just say "I killed my baby"
My dream Protest sign:
"Anti War & Pro Choice --
Spare Foriegn Enemies & Kill American Children"
Pah - All you men out there carry a child through 9 months THEN look after them for 16 or so years (or is it 21 in the US?) and tell women that they are not allowed a choice in how their bodies are used. It's not like EVERY woman who gets pregnant is going to go "I know - I will have an abortion! Fantastic idea! That way I can experience all that pain and carry the guilt around with me for the rest of my life!" Do you think women go in to have abortions are all doing it for lifestyle choices? What about medical reasons, rape?
Hypocrisy from politicians who are, as we all know, the most clean living of people over this issue is contemptable. People should always be allowed choice in a democracy else isn't it just another dilution of people's rights? From presidents downwards there have been those who on the one hand purport to uphold family values yet on the other hand have affairs, get mistresses pregnant and in some cases have tragic "accidents" occur - abortion sometimes is the lesser of the evils.
Posted by: Alex at July 27, 2004 05:19 PMOh, they should also print a "How can I be sure it's mine?" T-shirt. It could be used to cover the poor girl as she was bleeding to death after the visit to the local (illegal) butcher. We have a little girl, and we KNOW condoms break. We also have a friend who killed herself after a termination. It wasn't an instant solution by any means, and I can't think of any woman who would "choose" that as "alternative contraception". It was painful, and bloody, and my friend suffered horribly. The Post Mortem revealed that she would have been unable to deliver a healthy child. I still miss her.
Posted by: Sally at July 27, 2004 05:49 PMAlex -you are being a bit extreme -don't you think...are there politicians that you know of knocking off knocked up mistresses?
Look up on-line the instance of pregnancy resulting from rape and/or incest(a 'reason' so often bandied around -is it kess than 1% --like .0009). As someone who had to go through fertility treatments, you soon find that getting pregnant isn't all that easy.
Also look up statistics on who is having the abortions --it isn't the poor that can't afford the kids. I believe that you have the right to do anything in the world with YOUR body -dye it blue, call Dr. Kavorcian..whatever --it is what you are planning to do to SOMEONE else's body that I have a problem with.
"I notice that everyone for abortion has already been born" -Ronald Reagan
Extreme? Me? Nope - I have never threatened an abortion doctor, their family or burnt down an abortion clinic so I would say that peaceful expression of my views is a lot less than extreme. I like it when people refer to it as being "extreme" - what they are saying is "I don't agree with what you are saying however I cannot disprove it." As for the politicians, well there were the Kennedy's for one, and I seem to remember some intern in the US disappearing after having an affair with a senator (that was last year) and then there was the Big Bill one, oh and here there were the politicians involved in the Profumo affair, a former Tory PM sleeping with a fellow cabinet minister... So yes, I can substantiate those claims.
Pro-choice means that women are in charge of their own bodies and their own lives and are not subject to the whims of men. Women have fought long and hard for the rights to make their own decisions and even now are finding it difficult in a lot of aspects of life to be treated equally. So what you are advocating is that if a couple get pregnant and decide that abortion is the right thing to do (they could be young here, 18 or so) medically or because they are going to college or any one of a hundred other reasons that they should be punished for their stupidity? Or applauded for making a life wrenching decision whatever they decide? Would you be prepared, if you were a woman, to say "I will give up everything that I might be, at 18, and have this baby knowing full well that in 6 years time I might be better placed to give that child a decent chance in the world?"
As a man I have the luxury of NEVER having to make that decision and I am forever grateful for that and if, my wife and I, we were in the situation where she was pregnant and wanted an abortion what do you suggest I do? Vilify her? Support her? Or if my daughter had been raped should I say to her "You must have the baby because an abortion is wrong." and deny her the choice? Or do you suggest "degrees" of abortion decisions? If so who gets to make the decision whether it should go ahead? You? Me? Or the person it fundamentally affects? In which case why not just be Pro-Choice in the first place?
These are things that need to be looked at in the context that they take place. These are LIFE CHANGING decisions for EVERYONE involved. No, the foetus does not get a choice but then a baby born to a HIV positive mom or a crack addict doesn't get a choice in that either and yet they still have to suffer the consequences without ever fully understanding why. Blanket laws DO NOT WORK. They will be challenged as discriminating, there will be exemptions granted and soon the law will become irrelevant. The last time a law was bought into the US to fundamentally change people's lifestyles was Prohibition and what happened? It drove drinking underground and people died due to unscrupulous people providing a dangerous service. Drinking became more popular than ever. Keep things where you can see them and control them and offer people sensible, informed choice please.
Posted by: Alex at July 28, 2004 08:59 AMAlex,
I believe that the general consensus here was that the T-shirt was crass, regardless of your positon on abortion.
As for the rest, keep in mind that most of those who oppose abortion have never "threatened an abortion doctor, their family or burnt down an abortion clinic" or advocated such things.
Posted by: Noble Eagle at July 28, 2004 09:42 AMNoble Eagle - you are being to literal. I was pointing out that my views are not extreme but that expression of view in that way is. I respect what people have to say on here - we express a view and whilst not agreeing with all that is said, it promotes exchanges of opinion and a concensus can be reached (even if it is "I don't agree with that but well put.")
I don't tend to find extremism within bloggers (that I read) as a whole, but the kinds of actions where people do that surely only harm their POV and don't enhance it? I'll put away my matches now *grins*
Posted by: Alex at July 28, 2004 10:10 AMAlex -I was not saying that your VIEWS were extreme --I was saying that you implying we need legalized abortions to save the legions of mistresses being popped daily by their politician lovers was extreme (and a tad silly). I notice that you never once mention that there is another option -adoption. There is a FIVE year waiting list in the U.S.A....
I can honestly say that I have never burned down an abortion clinic...but my husband and I have offer to adopt a baby that was slotted for termination.
I understand that. I was adopted at two months old. Because of the head start in life that I had, (University, income, husband) I can afford to be Pro-Life. I have been pregnant, and have given birth. It's actually not very pleasant, even when it's done gladly. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy if it happened against their will. I had no idea that women use abortion as a contraceptive, as I cannot imagine such a thing. I wish you all the best. And Tammi, sorry for tying up your E-Mail...
Posted by: Sally at July 29, 2004 02:53 PM