July 06, 2004


Not being one to shy away from laughing at myself, I thought I'd share a bit of an "adventure", for want of a better word, that I had this weekend.

If you've read my "About Me" post you would know that one of the things I fear is spiders. Yeah - they terrify me. Honest to goodness fear. Doesn't matter how big or small I firmly believe that they are satan's minions. But anyway -

I will kill them. I'm not so afraid that I can't do that. Oh, it took a few (alright 30) years to get to that point, but now I've no qualms at all.

So yesterday I'm talking on the phone and happen to glance out on the pool deck. Hmmmm - what is that tiny black speck just floating in the air? WHAT?!?! A SPIDER!!! Oh no, oh hell no - no spider is going to encroch on my terrain, let me tell you!!

So....with my friend still on the phone for moral support (well, and comic relief too) I bravely step out the sliding doors to investigate.

Yep - it's a spider. And what a HUGE web he had built. This sucker spread from the top of the pool cage to the ground and one corner of the deck. This will Not Do. He may have looked small, but still - yuck.

So I run back into the house and grab the hairspray. Yes, hairspray - it usually works wonderfully.

Usually. This time, it only served to piss him off. Well, I've got other weapons available. Oh, yes I do. So, still on the phone I go over to the hose and attach the sprayer. I put the water pressure on full and sprayed that SOB into the next door neighbors arena. YEAH!! Take that you, you, you spider you!!!

As the rush of excitement dies I become aware of the laughter coming from the phone. Oops, I probably sounded a bit like Rambo taking on the enemy.

Oh well, the spider is gone. That's all I care about. Oh - and as an added bonus the grill got rinsed off too!!

Posted by Tammi at July 6, 2004 09:42 AM

Way to go killer! :D

Posted by: Lee Ann at July 6, 2004 09:43 AM

Heh. The mental image is priceless :-)

Posted by: Harvey at July 8, 2004 10:48 AM