March 07, 2006

Day One

Well, I have to be honest. I didn't do so well with "the plan" yesterday. Oh - I did get my resume out to about 18 places. I made some phone calls. But.....I still ended up sitting on the couch. Drained.

The one nice thing is I got to talk with my friends. Since moving up here our "patterns" had to change. Bou, Teresa and Army Wife and I were all used to talking during the day. It was pretty easy, with my cell phone and so much windshield time. But with this last job that just wasn't possible. So that was nice.

Then I got a couple of surprise calls. Oddybobo called with support and some leads. I have to tell you - that knocked my flat on my backside. I am so touched that she did that I cannot even begin to tell you. A bit after that I had a call from my good friend Johnny_Oh. It has been a while since we had a chance to chat, and God love 'em...he let me ramble and ramble and ramble. Thanks you guys! You made my day!!!

I know what my problem is. I'm not the most patient of folks. Intellectually I realize you have to stuff the pipeline, keep pushing and following up. BUT I found myself frustrated that I didn't hear from anyone yesterday. No One responded to the stuff I put out Friday or over the weekend. HELLO! Tammi!! It was only Monday! But don't they realize how badly I need to work NOW?!?!

I tried to move my hair appointment up from next week. But we scheduled it next week because they are having a 20% off sale. And right now that 20% savings could be the difference of gas money to an interview or not being able to go. I can *make* my hair presentable for the next few days to make sure that isn't an issue.

Today is a bit of running and then more ground work. I'll spend most of the day here at the computer searching and searching. I know it'll be exhausting. I know it'll be frustrating. I know it'll kick my ass. But - no one ever said it was easy. I just have to stick with it. But damn - it sure would be nice if the phone rang and it was some big consumer products company sayin' they heard I was available and would I PLEASE come and work for them. That - that would be very nice.

Posted by Tammi at March 7, 2006 05:28 AM

I was gonna call you and offer you a job, but I'm not sure you could handle the 1,212 rolls of duct tape, and I pay less than minimum wage...

Posted by: Ogre at March 7, 2006 07:00 AM

We are on the same wave length.

I sit here day after day wondering why companies are not beating down my door with job offers, because you know I am a kickass Engineer and people should be greatful to have me as an employee.

Posted by: Machelle at March 7, 2006 07:04 AM

It was my pleasure to talk to you! You know I'm a phone call away (as are all your other great friends) if you just need to vent! Still keeping my ear to the ground!

Posted by: oddybobo at March 7, 2006 08:44 AM