March 06, 2006


Sometimes being so analytical is a pain in the ass. I think about every word said, every gesture. I'm constantly second guessing myself. Ack!!

But, in times like this it's a real bonus. I just step away from emotions as much as possible. Oh - I get scared at night. No money is my biggest fear. Flat out. But for the most part it's just survival. And if nothing else I am a survivor.

So I plan. Oh yes, I plan. And on the off chance that it helps anyone else I'll share what I've done already and what the next few days look like here in Tammi's World.

First thing Friday I got the word out. I kick what network I have into gear. Then I update my resume on Monster and CareerBuilder. I set up new job search engines and post for anything that looks remotely interesting. It's important to interview. Even if that job isn't what you think you want, you never know what else might be available.

Today - I was up at 5:30. Yes, I set the alarm. I'm keeping the same routine as if I were working. This morning I'm going to the temp service so that I can start temping as quickly as possible. Then to the bank, store for panty hose (gonna be wearing dresses again) and then fill the car with gas.

I'll split my days. Half will be blitzing, dropping off resumes and hopefully scheduling interviews. For that I'll get the map out - yes, I actually have one - and breaking the area into sections. Like when I make outside sales calls. That way, I'm not wasting time or money.

The other half of the day is searching. I'll pull up the Chamber of Commerce web sites and start hitting those companies that are in the area. Whether they show openings or not. I have a goal of 10 resumes out every day. I usually average 15 (I always try to beat my forecast. Again, it's a sales thing).

I try not to do anything over the weekend. It keeps that routine. This weekend, especially Sunday, I needed to fill the time. So I posted. A lot. I'll follow up today.

I'll do this all week. I'm trying to stuff the pipeline as quickly as possible - because looking for a job is a numbers game. For every 15 or 20 things you post for you usually get 1 interview. I don't have the time for that so I need to blitz hard and fast.

Oh - and the other thing is knowing that the product you are selling is yourself. You *HAVE* to put your best foot forward at all times. So, I'll schedule a hair appointment. No, I can't afford it right now, but I also can't NOT do it. No one wants to hire a loser. So - the packaging has to be just right.

So that's my plan. Let me tell you - I'm so very scared. Almost terrified. BUT there is nothing else I can do. If I have a breakdown I end up homeless. THAT is not an option. I have responsibilities that MUST be handled. There is no time for panic. Well, except for in the middle of the night.

Posted by Tammi at March 6, 2006 06:45 AM

Let me ask my standard question at this point, What do you think of the title, "Minion"?

Posted by: Contagion at March 6, 2006 07:30 AM

goodness, with a blitz like that, you'll have a great job in no time. best wishes and prayers.

Posted by: sarahk at March 6, 2006 08:26 AM

Don't you dare NOT send your resume to Contagion... I'm just sayin'

Posted by: Teresa at March 6, 2006 08:36 AM

Keeping to a schedule is very important, it will help keep you focused.

When I was layed off in 2003 I kept to my same schedule and it helped keep me out of the dumps and focused on what I needed to do.

Posted by: Machelle at March 6, 2006 10:06 AM

Yay! Yup, you're going about this the right way.

Posted by: Ogre at March 6, 2006 10:22 AM

Think Chicago, Consider Chicago, Look into Chicago!!!

Posted by: Anon at March 6, 2006 11:52 AM

Tammi. Oh! What you describe here actually sounds lots and lots like dating. lol Well, at least for me it describes it pretty darn well. :)

Go Get-em Tiger

Posted by: McHenry_Dude at March 6, 2006 12:17 PM

You are SO very talented and marketable, I *know* something just perfect is headed your way...

(Hey, unabashed optimism is my forte -- and you really truly are talented and marketable....)

I will continue to keep my fingers crossed and ear to the ground....

Posted by: Richmond at March 6, 2006 03:58 PM

You will never be homeless as long as you live in this area. I'm just sayin'.

Posted by: ktreva at March 6, 2006 08:41 PM