I promise - I won't keep goin' on and on about this new mattress set - but this is so funny I had to share.
This morning was a bit "different" for me. Last night I set the coffee pot with ground coffee, not beans. So this morning instead of the sounds coffee grinder, alarm, coffee pot done (it beeps at me when it's done brewing) I got alarm, coffee pot done. I forgot what I had done and thought I over slept.
So I jumped out of bed. Except that I also forgot this mattress is 2x as high as the other one. You know how you sometimes misjudge a step? Yeah, well that's what happened. I hit the floor. With my body, not just my feet.
I layed there laughing until I was afraid I'd pee myself. In fact, every time I picture it I start laughing again.
I really am a morning person. I just can't make my body believe that.
But at least I started my day with a good laugh.
Posted by Tammi at January 23, 2006 08:03 PMI hate when that happens. I've stumpled on steps doing that.
Posted by: Contagion at January 23, 2006 09:35 PMI know someone who shattered (yes, shattered) her ankle thinking there was one more step down than there really was.
Glad you just got a laugh out of the whole thing!
Posted by: GEBIV at January 23, 2006 10:19 PMWhy yes, I DO know how you can misjudge a step.
Posted by: Raging Mom at January 24, 2006 06:05 AMAt least you fell out of the right side of the bed... :)
Posted by: Ogre at January 24, 2006 08:37 AMI did that once, except I was on the top bunk of a bunk bed, and thought I was on the bottom. Pretty much did the same thing as you, sat on the floor and laughed until I almost pee'd myself!
Posted by: ktreva at January 24, 2006 08:28 PM