August 01, 2005

Hey! What are these??!!

Tan lines? I've got TAN LINES!!! WooHoo!! Sun, glorious sun. I feel sooooo much better.

Maybe I better back up and make a larger statement to start with. I had one of the best weekends ever. Even with all the crap. It was such a good weekend.

Friday I only worked 1/2 day. Yep. And I didn't look back once when I walked out that door at noon. Then - I got to see the Mississippi. On purpose. And whole lot more - beautiful rolling hills, colors that were...perfect. Good, no - great conversation and just a wonderful afternoon. Hell of a way to kick off a weekend. Thanks T1G.

Saturday Teresa came to see me. She fixed a problem with the computer and then.....She Cooked for Me. In my kitchen. This chicken dish that just plain ROCKED. Wow. And how cool is it that she cooked for me?!?

Saturday night - well, the evidience is below - but it was great sitting around laughing.

Sunday I packed up Cody and went to visit Harvey and TNT. You know for sure I've changed drastically when I can't find my bathing suit. I have 14. I couldn't find 1. That's just so wrong on so many levels I can't even say. Anyway - we pulled ourselves together (Cody and I) and headed north. Harvey was a sweetie and kept an eye on the pups while TNT wisked me away to the pool. She realized that some quality time in the sun would go a long way in helping me feel better. And she was right. The only tough part was the pool itself. She told me it was heated. I got in. HOLY SHIT. Then it dawned on me. Wisconsin. It WAS heated - for Wisconsin. About 75 degrees. Folks - I don't care how hot it is outside - the water has to be 86 for me or I ain't gettin' in volunterily.

But I dangled my feet to cool myself off. And it worked. I've got tan lines. And I feel ready to meet what ever this week has to dish out. It might not be a great week - but I do feel a bit more capable.

Have I ever mentioned what GREAT friends I have?!?

Thank you - thank you everyone.

Posted by Tammi at August 1, 2005 05:40 AM

I'm so deserved it!

Posted by: Sissy at August 1, 2005 06:23 AM

90 degrees. 90 degrees is heated. Anything less than that, is pushing hypothermia for me. Blech.

Posted by: Bou at August 1, 2005 07:11 AM

Damn you, woman, where's the pictures?

Posted by: Ogre at August 1, 2005 08:50 AM

90's?!?!? Ack, When I go swimming, I want to feel refreshed, not like I took a bath!!!

Back in the days of yore when I had a pool at the folk's house it wasn't uncommon for me to go swimming in 60 degree water.

Then again, I DO have a bit more.. uhmm.. "insulation" than Tammi :)

Posted by: Graumagus at August 1, 2005 01:11 PM

For the record, Tammi looks HOT in a bikini.

Also, if you're a leg man, Tammi's a wicked sight in shorts, because you'll just stare at those long, gorgeous things, and you'll forget to blink, and your eyes will dehydrate and you'll go blind.

On the bright side, the last thing you'll see is Tammi's legs, so it might be worth it.

Your call.

Posted by: Harvey at August 1, 2005 01:31 PM

Tan lines! Wooo!
(I second the vote for pics :P )

Posted by: S at August 1, 2005 06:15 PM

Okay, we did get in trouble if we got caught, but we used to go swimming at the forest preserve once it hit the fifties... if you could go without a jacket, you could swim.

Course, you sometimes couldn't move much afterward either.

Posted by: That 1 Guy at August 1, 2005 09:42 PM


We demand pictures.

Posted by: BloodSpite at August 2, 2005 01:11 AM

Hey Tammi, what about the ADORABLE picture of Bandit playing tug with Cody? PICTURES!

Posted by: TNT at August 2, 2005 05:30 AM