August 01, 2005

Another Study

I have to admit I don't read a lot of the medical news. There's always some new study finding this wrong for you or that this other things cures everything from hangnails to arthritis. But there was an article this morning that caught my attention.

Seems that they now feel that removing your ovaries during hysterectomies is a bad thing unless absolutley necessary. Looks like it "might" increase your chance of dying from heart disease. Well crap.

I had some very serious problems that hit a boiling point in my late 20's. Bad enough that I had to have a hysterectomy. I looked my doctor in the eye and told him that it was a one shot deal. He had better get everything - including the ovaries.

Funny thing is they fought long and hard against the hysterectomy. I was only 27 and they just pushed it off for as long as they could. But they never gave me one iota of resistance when I said they had to take everything. Heh.

Anyway - I've never taken hormones. Just my vitamins and extra Calcuim. I used to get plenty of exercise and eat right and am working to get back at that. But what I'm saying is...I've never felt better. I've been so much healthier since my surgery. I do NOT recommend that other disregard every bit of advise the doctor gave them - it just happened to work out pretty well for me.

I'm not a doctor and I don't even play one on TV but I AM going to keep an eye on what they are saying here. Not for any other reason that I'm curious.

Posted by Tammi at August 1, 2005 05:25 AM

Just wait; next week a different 'research team' will come out with another study totally refuting the findings of the first, like a game of medical ping-pong.

I know a couple of robust 80+ year old ladies who had total hysterectomys in their youth, when it was common to take ovaries... One even smokes heavily, and has since she was a teen...

It's just a roll of the genetic dice, and I bet if you feel great, you ARE. ;)

Posted by: pam at August 1, 2005 09:46 AM

...and she *looks* great, too :-)

Posted by: Sally at August 1, 2005 03:25 PM