July 19, 2005

The Art of Passing

I've almost had to relearn how to drive since I've been back up here. And that's saying something, when you consider the fact that I was driving anywhere from 900 - 1400 miles a week in my last job.

But in Florida it's 3 & 4 lane roads. I very seldom had to drive on a small 2 laner. I don't remember the last time I had to PASS someone.

So now I've got 2 lane roads, they say they are State Roads, but I'm not really buying it. There are hills and curves and all manner of obsticles (i.e road construction workers). PLUS deer - don't forget the deer. And traffic. Yep - these are no sleepy little motorways.

The scenerio usually goes like this......

I'm toolin' along either to or from work. In either case I'm in a hurry. I come up behind someone going just under the speed limit. Just enough so that if I want to pass I'll be doing between 65 and 70. Now - please understand I'm not afraid of speed. I actually am a very good driver. BUT I don't need to be pulled over right now. Nope - not on my list of "things to do" right now. Arrggghhhh

And then there is the one that goes like this.......

Driving driving driving....come upon someone going way to slow. But.....those damned hills and curves. Just about the time traffic slacks off so that I can make a run for it....WHAM! No Passing Zone. Well shit.

So....I guess I'm gonna just have to learn to do this driving stuff all over again. I never thought I'd say this out loud - but I really miss the roads in Florida. Not the traffic! Just the roads.

Posted by Tammi at July 19, 2005 05:03 PM


My In laws came down from Buffalo to here.

About every 30 minutes I heard how my wife and i were going to "roll your car, flip and die"

or "flip your car burn and die"

or my favorite variation
"roll your car off the cliff and die"

They didn't like our 2 lane twisty roads either ;D

I guess I'm used to it. In Georgia growing up, my grandfather used to tell us that if you had a horse and wagon, on the way to our house the horse could eat out of the wagon ;)

Posted by: BloodSpite at July 20, 2005 04:36 AM

You forgot some very important information. The person in front of you who is driving just under the speed limit? Guaranteed that you cannot see the top of their head. And you forgot "Motorized Vehicles of Husbandry"= tractors, cultivators, harvestors, etc. Makes my 40 mile one way drive to Sycamore just a joy every day!!

Posted by: Marty at July 20, 2005 05:16 AM

Plenty of room on the right :-D

Posted by: Harvey at July 20, 2005 07:46 AM

And at first glance, I thought the title to this post was missing the word "gas."

Posted by: Ogre at July 20, 2005 09:27 AM