July 03, 2005

Good-Bye Luther

I love music. AND I'm a die hard romantic. So, you shouldn't be surprised to know that a good ballad will get me every time. If you're one of those blessed enough to be a great balladeer, well - it's a given that I'm a big fan.

I have always enjoyed the old school R&B. Marvin Gaye - melts me. Al Green - oh yeah. But my favorite has always been the smooth and romantic Luther Vandross. If I hear one of his songs it stops me. I have to listen. And it never fails to move me.

We lost Luther on Friday. He never really recovered from the stroke two years ago. The world has lost one of the last true romantics.

Funny thing is, one of my favorite songs of his wasn't really a LOVE song. It was that beautiful ballad - Dance with My Father Again. I'll never forget the first time I heard that song. I was on my way to an important job interview just south of Daytona. I was stuck on I4. It was August 7th - the anniversary of when my father died. That song came on and I just lost it. It was like the song was written for me. I still mist up everytime I hear it. Do me a favor - follow that link and just read the lyrics.

In my opinion, Luther Vandross was one of the all time greats. This world is a better place because he shared his gift. Thank you Luther - God Speed.

Posted by Tammi at July 3, 2005 05:51 AM | TrackBack

I read that on Friday and was taken back by it. Good man, good music, good heart.

Posted by: Sissy at July 3, 2005 06:31 PM