April 30, 2005

Checking In

Yesterday the movers came to do the walk through on the house. If things go half as good as it looks like they will this will be the smoothest move I've ever had.

Oh - my schedule got nixed but I can work around that.

We spent two hours arranging for shuttles and packers and drivers and such. I have been told that come Monday morning I better have everything I want to get done done because the guys will be told I am not to do anything once they get there. WOW. I like that.

So.....I spent the rest of the day taking pictures off of walls, doing laundry and cleaning. I've patched almost all the nail holes and the place is cleaning up pretty well.

Last night I drove to spend time with Lee Ann and her Darlin' Husband. (Damn tequila) Today is a couple of hours at the beach with J, and then tonite is dinner with my cousin and her family to celebrate a special birthday. Tomorrow morning time with my other cousin and then back home to finish up.

The only bad news is that I will not get my stuff on Friday the 6th. It won't be until the next week. So I'll spend a week sleeping on a foam pad and sittin' on the floor - but that's alright. It won't be the first time. I'll just take some time to walk around town and play with Cody.

Anyway - that's stuff for now. I gotta find some asprin and get another cup of coffee. Damn kids anyway - makin' me drink too much on such a busy weekend. ;-)

Posted by Tammi at April 30, 2005 06:44 AM

I can't wait until all the moving stuff is done for you. I know how long that can seem.

Ya know, not having your stuff is a great excuse to go shopping :-) Even if it's garage sale/antique shopping.

Posted by: Sissy at April 30, 2005 07:56 AM

I have found that big buckets turned upside down make great little seats, and sturdy boxes, with a bit of fabric over them, make a great temporary dining or kitchen table.

Too bad you don't have an air mattress. At least you'll be well rested when the furniture arrives.

Posted by: michele at April 30, 2005 12:40 PM