March 13, 2005

Short Rant - then I gotta go

OK - this just jump started my temper.

A Fat Tax? A tax on hot dogs, candy and the like.

They want to charge me extra for junk food? And you too! You wanna know why? Check out this quote (emphasis):

CSPI's food scolds didn't respond to the Administration's "personal responsibility" charge -- and for good reason. They genuinely don't believe average people are capable of making their own food decisions. CSPI's Margo Wootan recently declared: "We have got to move beyond personal responsibility." Twinkie-tax inventor (and CSPI scientific advisory board member) Kelly "Big Brother" Brownell also wants to "get away from these arguments about personal responsibility."

OK - I put up with the taxes on my cigarettes, and the fact that I can only smoke in certain places. But if you think for one moment that I'm gonna sit back and let some two-bit do gooder with a high maternal instict tell me WHAT I CAN EAT....because they think I'm TOO STUPID TO KNOW BETTER!! Oh HELL no.

It's just making my head spin - get the hell out of my life you, you, you busy bodies you. I'll eat what I want, drink what I want and smoke what I want. If I'm too heavy - that's my issue not yours.

I find that I am stuttering as I try to put my thoughts into words, so I'll just stop for now and follow this up later. But this really pisses me off!

Posted by Tammi at March 13, 2005 11:32 AM

....Uhhhh maybe the temper...has something to do with the prior question...cough hmmm cough

Posted by: ArmyWifeToddlerMom at March 13, 2005 12:04 PM



These f*ckers are the social-ist bastards behind EVERY single food-related scare.

Posted by: Harvey at March 13, 2005 12:57 PM

Hate to tell you, that's just going to lead to more Fat Asses on the streets or on welfare!

If they want us to freaking lose weight, let us write off our gym memberships on our taxes, or make healthy food not so damn expensive!


Posted by: Sissy at March 13, 2005 01:13 PM

I don't belive in writing off gym memberships or subsidising healthier foods either because that money has to come from somewhere. There's no such thing as a free lunch. As soon as they start doing that, then they'll start raising taxes to pay for it.

These assholes won't be happy until they control ever aspect of our lives from cradle to grave.

Posted by: Graumagus at March 13, 2005 01:51 PM

Yeah, I heard about this earlier...left me stuttering and shuttering, too.

Again, God forbid Americans take any reponsibility for their own actions.

Posted by: TNT at March 13, 2005 02:48 PM

This is all a symptom of the government "knowing what's best for us" since we're obviously to ignorant to make good decisions. They have been going crazy since the tobacco companies pa9id out those billions to the states to not have to be dragged for years through the courts. Anytime you see "scientific" pronouncements such as "Americans are obese" you've got to know the government is not far behind. You must understand that those "studies" are paid for by the government. No, I'm not talking a conspiracy Ala Oliver stone, it's just that the beltway crowd cannot help themselves. First they take all "fatty" foods out of the vending machines in schools, now they want to tell freakin adults what they can eat. Like cigarettes, expect a higher tax on candy, doughnuts, etc. soon. Our government is getting away with this by spreading specious facts. I doubt every "fact" they have given us about obesity in the U.S.. Look around, how many healthy, non-obese people do you see compared to the alternative? It's bullshiat. It's all bullshiat. How many times have these "studies" change their tune? About coffee, about sugar, about proper nutrition, about diet?? The track record of the "studies" does not instill confidence. Ignore them. Watch the Congress closely for the next round of food legislation. Get the phone number and email of your congressman and senators and prepare to send them your views. Sorry for the rant....better now...

Posted by: P Mann at March 13, 2005 09:50 PM

There trying to do this in Texas. Tax on snacks. Can you believe it? Crazy.

Posted by: Dash at March 13, 2005 11:19 PM

Hmmm, yea. I like the fact they just blantantly came out and imply we are too stupid to decide what to eat and what not to eat. Next they are going to tell us what colors to paint our houses to help premote a relaxed attitude.

Posted by: contagion at March 14, 2005 07:52 AM