March 11, 2005

Dog Days of Winter?!?!

What in the HELL is going on down here in Tampa.

First we had the shooting on I75 near I4 on Sunday. Then yesterday we hear about a woman in a town near Tampa that had a man drive up by her and shot at her.

NOW....we got some wacko that ran a woman and her 2 children off the road and then FOLLOWED HER, yelling, screaming and again trying to run her off the road.....because he didn't like her Bush/Cheney bumper sticker. (article includes transcript of 911 call)

You almost expect to hear shit like this is August and September when the heat starts to really take it's toll, but it's Flippin' March. Can't be the heat!

But seriously - this is just beyond weird. Why so many of these types of things all so close together? This stuff just doens't happen like this in Tampa. Damn......I wanna go back to Bradenton. It's not perfect, but I sure do feel a lot safer there.

Posted by Tammi at March 11, 2005 10:04 AM

It's that damn auction. Everyone's out of control.

Posted by: Ogre at March 11, 2005 10:39 AM

Spring Fever maybe?

You know, I hate to say this and I don't mean to be cruel but I'm sitting here going that's not all that bad.

Well that's because I near Detroit. The first 10-15 minutes of every news cast is filled with shootings, drive-by shootings, murders, etc.

I am almost immune to that sort of news now and don't pay much attention.

That is so sad.

Posted by: Machelle at March 11, 2005 01:03 PM

It seems the Democrats have no respect for anyone else's beliefs. They are all about preaching about everyones' rights and freedome of speech, blah, blah, blah, but appears that only holds true if you have a democratic belief.

I have rarely seen or read about Republicans going overboard and fanatical. They have their beliefs, will support them in a discussion, but ignore idiot fanatical democratics.

The husband of a co-worker has a homemade sign in the back of his truck "Bush = Murderer". SO classy. And she has to constanly come in talking about it and how many high-5s, positive notes and comments he's gotten. WHATEVER! Shut up and do your job! IDIOTS!

I like how the article written about this has to try and balance out the political stances by quoting a Democratic chairwoman who said Democratics have been attacked by Republicans - keying their cars and swearing! First, that is not even comparable to the above incident; second, I would hardly call a Democratic chairwoman a valid source.

Posted by: TNT at March 11, 2005 01:54 PM