March 10, 2005

Well Shoot

So of course TODAY I'm having issues with my site.

We modernized our Bad Example Family Blogroll and for some reason it is keeping my site from loading.

SO.....until I can figure out how to fix that I've been forced to move the family list to the bottom of the page.....hurry if anyone knows what I can do to fix this LET ME KNOW!! I want them back where they belong! At the Top Of The List!

Posted by Tammi at March 10, 2005 07:35 AM

I've been having trouble getting a response from the Blogrolling site this morning. I can never tell if its their end or my crappy work internet connection that never works right.

Posted by: Ogre at March 10, 2005 10:15 AM

It's Blogrolling. I'm going to have to update that post with a warning.

Blogrolling, while convenient, has a history of hanging.

Your best bet is to place the code in your template so that it's the last thing to load.

There may be a way to get it to load last and still be near the top. You'd have to ask your favorite techno-geek about that

[gazes casually in Ogre's direction]

I think the quick fix is to rearrange your template so that your sidebar loads after your main column. Probably just a matter of moving the sidebar code from the top of the template to the bottom.

Probably :-)

Posted by: Harvey at March 10, 2005 11:36 AM

Blogger was a nasty beast today!

Posted by: Pam at March 11, 2005 12:20 AM

Yup, that's all there is to it, long as you do it right. See HTML is a nasty beast -- it wants to do things sequentially because that's what it was made to do. So to load things out of order, well, that's just odd, so you have to force it.

The quickest and easiest fix is to move your sidebar to the right side. No fuss, no muss. If you want to keep the layout, you have to do weird things like I did where I used absolute positioning of div boxes to force the bottom of the code to load at the top left corner. That way content loads first! :)

Posted by: Ogre at March 11, 2005 09:59 AM