March 08, 2005

I Got An Email

And it really hit me.

It was just one simple line......

Husband back safe and a link to a new blog. ArmyWifeToddlerMom.

I went over and read her first two entries and caught myself getting chocked up! Her husband is back from a tour in the Sand Box. He's home, he has a 3 year and a 16 month old, and they are a family of 4 all together for the first time.

I'm honored to know she's been a reader here for a while now. I'm glad to know that all this jibber jabber I type out reaches someone.

So I claim her. Yes - I Claim Her. Army Wife is MY BLOGDAUGHTER and I couldn't be prouder!!!

So get on over there and welcome her. Share her joy with her husband's return. And then keep going back to offer her support.

Congratulations Army Wife. You're one hell of a Lady!!!

Posted by Tammi at March 8, 2005 10:48 AM | TrackBack

Her first post doesn't suck. What a non-traditionalist! :-)

Have to go tweak the blogroll...

Posted by: Harvey at March 8, 2005 11:44 AM

Our tree exploded.

You done good, girlfriend. Our tree is starting to fork again. I was getting askeered.

Posted by: Bou at March 8, 2005 03:47 PM

Thank you so much for the very gracious welcome....Blogmama.....Grateful. I am still trying to figure out links...etc...I am the most tech retarded person you will meet. I also plan on being very busy making up for lost time with husband.........will continue to post, and hope to figure out blogosphere soon.

Posted by: ArmyWifeToddlerMom at March 9, 2005 01:29 AM