February 24, 2008

Small World

Mama Vi called yesterday. She had some "bad news" for me.

Let me tell you folks.....I've had about all the bad news I can handle for a while. But....you gotta roll with the punches so I took a deep breath and asked for the news.

Seems she ran into my ex-husband's sisters at the store.


She asked about my MIL and it seems she passed away suddenly 3 years ago.

3 years ago and no one even TRIED to contact me. Or Mama Vi, and they were friends.

I gotta tell you....that pissed me off. They have always had a very low opinion of me so it shouldn't surprise me that they figured I wouldn't care. Well, they were wrong.

Oh, she and I had our issues, but she WAS my MIL for 11 years. I would have appreciated the opportunity to pay my respects.

Then Mama asked about my ex. Seems he had a stroke a few years back.

Would you hate me if I told you that news made me smile? It did. I hate him just that much. Oh, he's fine now......figures.

At that point they asked how I was. Mama Vi told 'em I'm doing just fine. My one SIL asked if I remarried and Mama said no.....I'm all about the career. SIL #1 kinda snickered and made a comment about how that was no surprise and that somethings never change.

I'll be honest. At that point I kinda went off. After I ranted and raved a bit Mama told me I have to learn to forgive. And that includes any of that family.

Gotta tell you folks...that ain't gonna happen. Long ago I realized that I just don't have the generosity of spirit to forgive. Not about that. Not those people. I still hurt, I still have scars. No......I can't forgive any of them, especially him. And I'm not gonna lie to anyone and tell them I have.

But that's very strange, them all running into each other like that. Yes, it's a smallish town, but that's the first time in over 10 years she's run into any of that family.

I kinda hope it's at LEAST that long before we see them again.......

Posted by Tammi at February 24, 2008 06:45 AM | TrackBack

Some people are just evil and there is no way to get out of loathing them for the evil they have inflicted upon us. Period.

There are boundaries everywhere in life. There is a forgiveness boundary, too.

Posted by: pam at February 24, 2008 11:15 AM

Some people just assholes from the get go... glad to see that your outta that nonsense.

Posted by: PatinMi at February 24, 2008 07:12 PM

HA. Serves the bastard right.

Speaking of - my FIL ran into my husband's ex at Walmart a few months ago. Fortunately for him and us she didn't notice him so he didn't have to speak to her. Oh yea, and I got a call from a collections agency for MY ex. Huh. Not sure how they got my number.

Posted by: Carmen at February 25, 2008 10:00 AM
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