February 22, 2008

Houston, we have a problem

I've mentioned a time or two that I have a temper. I do. And it's not pretty.

HOWEVER....I've learned to have iron control over it. That control may slip every now and again, but very rarely in a complete manner and again, that slip is very rare.

Last night, after reading an email I was so furious I threw a coffee mug up against the wall and broke it.

Smashed it. Like a flippin' kid having a temper tantrum.

THAT made me even madder than the damned email that ignited the whole thing.

I really hate losing control like that. Very much. Plus....I really like those coffee mugs, damnit!

But what triggered it was an email from my boss. Seems he doesn't think I'm "doing enough". Yes, you read that right. They just extend my territory to CANADA and I manage to get almost every account visited and ready to transition to the new line and....I'm not doing enough.

He gets all his reports right on time, but I'm not doing enough.

He calls for info I have it at the tip of my fingers, but I'm not doing enough.

I'm prospecting about 50 accounts ACTIVELY right now, but I'm not doing enough.

Now....I believe in motivation. Actually - I'm pretty damned good at motivating people. Darlin'....if I set my mind to it, I can get water from a rolling rock. Yeah, I know a bit a motivating people.

And pushing, beating around the head and shoulders, belittling is not the way to make anyone do anything. Well, anyone with any self respect that is.

So, after I broke the coffee mug, stormed around the house abit muttering to myself, I sat down and responded to his email. I'll tell you I'm still shaking mad this morning, so I really had not cooled off much when I wrote the response.

I gave the "sit rep" for each account. No excuses, just the facts. I kept it short, yes some would view it as curt, but I didn't mean it that way. No flowers, no fuss, just the cold bare truth.

I'm gonna tell you now, it's not going to be good enough. And that makes me a little sad.

You see......I just don't function well under that kind of pressure. I put enough on myself, I don't need that added to it.

So today it's more phone calls, begging for appointments, sending emails. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing and pray some big ass customer falls in my lap. And soon.

Cause I've only got 4 more coffee mugs......

Posted by Tammi at February 22, 2008 08:14 AM | TrackBack

THAT just PISSES ME OFF! That's the kind of 'motivation' that would make me flee the company. I don't work well with someone dishing demoralizing swill and calling it managing and I don't know how anyone else could, either. Specially a Leo. ;)


Posted by: pam at February 22, 2008 11:41 AM

The OJ people looking better right now?

Women, do you need anymore signs or being slapped upside the head.

Let me tell you, sounds to me like they are "building a case" to get rid of you.

Posted by: Quality Weenie at February 22, 2008 12:38 PM

Perhaps he just got dumped on because his overall numbers weren't what they should be and we all know that sh#t rolls downhill and with your past success comes greater expectations.

The OJ job is what I thought of first, too.

Posted by: AC at February 22, 2008 01:11 PM

Ask your boss to swap jobs for a week, see if he can do any better.

I seriously doubt it!

Posted by: bx19 at February 22, 2008 03:32 PM

I agree with all of the above. Give "our friend" a call just to investigate how things are going. It's not dumping and running or even giving up, it's staying in contact and keeping your options open.

What was your bosses name again?! Because I didn't find it when I checked under "Weiner" and various synonymns. ;p

Posted by: Lee Ann at February 22, 2008 05:11 PM

Ok Ok. Point taken.

Contact has been made.

We'll just have to see what happens.......

Posted by: Tammi at February 22, 2008 06:48 PM

Here's how you settle it.

Dear Boss,

Screw you, I quit. I've got enough sale experience to get a damn job anywhere. I don't need your crap.



and Go elsewhere. You don't have to put up with that crap and I wouldn't either. Ain't no damn job worth getting that upset over. Remember Tammi, they need you more than you need them. So, Put them mother fuckers on notice. What I would do.

Posted by: PatinMi at February 23, 2008 10:00 AM
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