February 19, 2008

Safe and....well, Safe.

I'm here. And here would be Eau Claire Wisconsin. Yes, if you are looking at a map that is ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE STATE from where I started this morning. I'm rackin' up some miles this week, that's for sure.

The drive today, other than one bad spell of road, was fantastic. So beautiful. Between the miles and miles of pine and cedar forrest, the herd of deer standing in the middle of the road and all the bald eagles I saw, I was well entertained.

And it's a good thing, cause the cell phone reception sucked.

But I'm here. I'm exhausted, but I'm settled in and planning for tomorrow.

You know....I forgot what these long ass trips are like, when you gotta work. I think I like it much better when I can meander and such. This schedule stuff sucks!!!

Posted by Tammi at February 19, 2008 09:39 PM | TrackBack

Glad you made it, Tammi! Loved talking to you yesterday evening, call me any time. :D

I would have worried when we got cut off, but the cell had started breaking up so I assumed it was the bad reception...

Hang in there!

Posted by: pam at February 20, 2008 08:28 AM

It really is some beautiful country up there. I'm glad you made it safely. If you get a chance to stop and eat at the Norske Nook, take it. There are three or four of them up there. Great food, good Norwegian atmosphere.

Posted by: Contagion at February 20, 2008 09:09 AM
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