February 18, 2008

It's a GREAT Neighborhood!

Erica does this GREAT post about Mr. Rodgers. You know....from Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood - you really should take the time to read it.

As I read through, and watched the video, I found myself nodding in agreement. So much of what she said struck a nerve.

But in a different way. I had a GREAT child hood, even after Daddy was gone. It was full of love and laughter so much of the time. There was just that one thing missing.

For me, Mr. Rodgers filled that void. Every weekday morning, there he was. Smiling, singing, teaching me how to make good choices.

And, like Erica, I did "step out on the wild side" in my late teens early twenties. And, like Erica, I have come back to where I began. To where I am most comfortable.

We tend to return to our foundations. To that which our beliefs and values are based upon.

And for me.....that includes a lot of the lessons I learned from Mr. Rodgers. Thanks Erica. What a great walk down memory lane!!!

Posted by Tammi at February 18, 2008 07:43 AM | TrackBack

He was a wonderful, warm, gentle man. While I still lament his passing, and know he is definitely in a better place, I admit, quite selfishly, that I do wish he were down here, with us.

Nancy left me a great comment, that he didn't need to solve the big problems of the world, but that "his role was to give us the moral strength and foundation so that we could solve them."

For that reason alone, it would be so nice if he were still around, but I just thought he was a nice guy, with a very loving heart.

Posted by: Erica at February 18, 2008 09:05 AM

Fred Rogers attended my alma mater: Rollins College. He always wore long sleeves because he didn't want children to see his tattoos (from whichever branch of the military he served in). I can't quite recall, but I think I sang at one of his memorial services. I was in a choir that sang at it. I just can't remember if I was able to get the time off from work to join them or not.

Posted by: wRitErsbLock at February 18, 2008 08:47 PM

No tattoos, no military service. Just a Presbyterian minister who got it.

Thanks, Tammi. I wrote about him too.

Posted by: Chap at February 19, 2008 01:30 AM
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