February 02, 2008

Gonna Need To Work on That

My priorities are not always "right". I'm fully aware of that, and really - at some point I plan on adjusting those.

One thing I'm horrible at is filing my expense reports for work. I always have been. In my warped twisted way of looking at things, work comes first. Always. So if I've got a lot to do, I do the WORK stuff first. To me, expense reports are for ME.

I hadn't filed one since September. In 2007 the company paid for ALL our gas, our oil changes....plus we got a car allowance.

I did a lot of driving and traveling since September. I about crapped when I saw how much they owed me.

So....while in the Tampa office I took the time to do the rest of my 2007 expenses and then filed January '08 while I was at it.

Damn.....it's about as good as getting a tax refund check.

The cool thing is, I can now get the furniture for my bedroom. I've NEVER had the opportunity to have furniture *I* picked out in *MY* bedroom. And with my cool painting coming it's perfect timing.

But....oh was I embarrassed to turn those reports in so late. Never again. I caught so much shit for that.

The upside is, I'm able to meet my "goal" of having the "master bedroom" (for want of a better phrase) completed by the end of March. AND it's not taking away from any of my day to day living money.


The downside is, with the new program they put in place, we sales folks will never see those kinds of expense reimbursements again.

And if I'd have waiting another 3 days I'd have lost out on ALL that.

Yeah, gonna need to work on those priorities. You aren't really supposed to LOSE money working.......

Posted by Tammi at February 2, 2008 09:29 AM | TrackBack

WooHoo! Do we get to see pictures?

Arthur's gotten into trouble SO many times because he doesn't take the time out to do his expenses; finally the company went to a 30 day thing and he has to now or lose the money. OK, so I remind him about the travel expenses... I have to, that's a lot of money! ;)

Posted by: pam at February 2, 2008 10:54 AM

Every where I have always worked they put a limit and the time you had to get them in. Anywhere from 60-90 days, do them or lose them.

Posted by: Quality Weenie at February 2, 2008 12:06 PM

My company you have 90 days from the date of the expense or it's yours.

You end up having to pay for an airline ticket to Texas and a three night stay at the Hilton once and you never, ever do that again.

Posted by: Contagion at February 2, 2008 12:49 PM

Having always been tied to the sales department, I have to admit they tend to relax the rules for us. IOW - we've never had a deadline except by the end of the first month of the next year. And I've worked for several fortune 500 companies.

They HAVE to treat sales different.

I think it's because we have one for each week. 52 flippin' expense reports. All with mileage logs and exact details. Oh, and call reports to back up each call shown on the log. And receipts. Can't forget the receipts.

And I've only known 2 sales people in my life that file them all, every time, within the month they are accrued. That's why so many of us need "keepers".

Because if you're late with the expenses, you're just delaying your money. You're late with the REPORTS they require and you lose your job.

I need the job. I can wait on the money........

Posted by: Tammi at February 2, 2008 03:17 PM

Damned spam bugger.......

Work to live, not live to work.

You have a puter, you can handle spreadsheets, take 5 mins each day to input your expenses, print out whenever you need to remit, pin receipts to printout and send off.

Money is better in your pocket than theirs, and it's money you have already paid out.

Posted by: bx19 at February 2, 2008 04:51 PM

Maybe it can be redubbed the "Mistress Bedroom." You already have the boots, after all.... ;)

Posted by: Richmond at February 2, 2008 09:43 PM
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