January 25, 2008

More Irony

I swear - if it's not one thing it's a dozen others.

I got a phone call last night that kind of....well, shook things up a bit. Changed the landscape as they say.

I have a friend. Yeah, really I do. Anyway...it's a guy I worked with at Trop. He's...well, one of a kind. He used to play for the Giants, and I had emailed him my congratulations. (sorry Contagion!)

Well, he decided to call me last night. Hell, I didn't even recognize his voice. He sweet talked me for about 10 minutes before I finally figured it out.

ANYway....he had been promoted at Trop. He was running the eastern division of the country setting things up for a certain customer base. Kickin' ass and talkin' names. Tried for YEARS to get me to move to Atlanta and come work for him....

Well, he just got promoted. And moved. To the west coast. He's got to open up everything west of the Mississippi.

He wants me.

To work for him.

Really bad.


My initial response was NO. BUT......you can keep whispering sweetly in my ear. It may take a year or two, but you never know.....

But isn't that just the way it goes?!?! I was just celebrating the fact that I may actually not have to move for another long bit. I love my home. I'm finally FINALLY making friends and getting a life.....

And to add to the weirdness.....I was JUST talking about him yesterday.....

Then THIS. How's that song go? Isn't it ironic?!?!?!

Posted by Tammi at January 25, 2008 01:37 PM | TrackBack

Gift Horse, mouth and all that stuff.

Posted by: Quality Weenie at January 25, 2008 02:49 PM

Where at on the Left coast?

Posted by: Navy CPO at January 25, 2008 04:22 PM

He's in Pheonix, and at first that was where I thought he had in mind. But get this....It's open.

Yeah. Got an email and...it's open. I choose. As long as it's "central to a main division" he wouldn't care.

It's whatever I want.

and the screws get tighter....

Posted by: Tammi at January 25, 2008 04:28 PM

Okay, let's see...we've got juice, we've got "screwed", we've got a screwdriver!

Drink, call, pick a lovely state and GO FOR IT! Look into properties, find out cost of living and then add 15% and tell him that's your salary.

We both know this man and, more importantly, HE KNOWS YOU and will make sure you get TOP DOLLAR.

I'm seeing the love being shown to you. Hmm, seems to me that "someone" (i.e. ME!) mentioned to you just a couple of days ago about "God opening doors" for you....vaguely familiar or do you need a cocktail to remember?

Don't make me kick your butt. You may be taller, but I can get a few good shots in before I go down. Love you!

Posted by: Lee Ann at January 25, 2008 05:17 PM

You know - sometimes God knocks you on the forehead. I have found that it pays to LISTEN... Just sayin'...

Posted by: Richmond at January 25, 2008 07:15 PM

Was just in Phoenix. I would move there in a flash!

Posted by: Navy CPO at January 25, 2008 09:13 PM

Sounds like a good proposition,but you have to think of what you will be missing....Fritz's....Speed bumps on your driveway...etc.

Posted by: bx19 at January 26, 2008 04:57 AM
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