January 09, 2008

What A Weird Night

OK, I've traveled a LOT in my day. Stayed in a lot of hotels. But last night was the FIRST time the power was out all night. No back up no nothin'.

Of course I only know because I woke up and it was 300 degrees in my room. Or at least it felt like it. No power. None in the hallways, nothing. Not even the phones worked.

Then....I was awake most of the night trying to figure out how I was going to pack in the dark. No to mention get showered and dressed.

Then magically - at 5:11 this morning the lights all came on.

I only know THAT because during the night I had attempted to turn on the lights in the room to try and figure out what was going on.


But that whole no power thing in a hotel? I've NEVER heard of that. It was flat out freaky!!!!

Posted by Tammi at January 9, 2008 04:37 AM | TrackBack
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